So sloooow opening

Started by cytochrome, June 30, 2013, 03:40:56 PM

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I switch my PC off for the night. In the morning, first time I launch IM5 it goes smooth till "initializing user interface". Then the screen goes white and it takes from 30 to 70 sec to load the interface.

After this I can close IM and start it again normally, there is no delay. What have I set wrong?



Most likely this has two causes:

1. IMatch had to do a lot of background work, e.g. re-calculating collections and data-driven categories.
2. Since you restarted your system, the database has to be read entirely from the hard disk. The Windows file system cache is still empty.

Without the application log file I can only guess. When you see this behavior again, first thing to do: Help > Support > Copy Application Logfile...
The log file gives me important information, e.g. if your database has 5,000 or 100,000 files, what IMatch was doing, how long each of the operations took, what I need to look into for performance tuning etc.


Hello Mario,

This morning the initializing user interface procedure took 75 seconds. I attach the log file, but it was set on normal logging. I will set it to full debug, stop stop the PC and start again.

I re-started the PC, same behavior. The log file in debug mode follows (zipped)


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