Sort (Capture Time) and Different Dates

Started by kiwilink, January 07, 2014, 11:19:10 PM

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Last year I was having trouble with "Dating" scanned images and you told me about EXIFtool.  I used it to assign dates (See attached).

Now I'm starting to look at those scanned images and some are sorting correctly under Capture Time and some are not.  I can't see any difference between the ones that are working and the ones that are not when I look at the Metadata in Imatch.
Can you tell me where the 01.07.2014 date is coming from when I move my cursor over the small letter " I" (information) in the thumbnail?  This is supposed to be the last modified date, correct?

If you look at the metadata in the attached everything says 1981 (Create Date, Date/Time Original, XMP Created Date, Date Digitized, Date Created (Core Data).  In the first attachment, the sort is not working.  In the second attachment the sort is working.

Let me know where I can change this in the Metadata so it will sort on 7/1/1981 instead of 1/7/2014.  I don't think it is sorting on the last modified data.  I say this because if that was true, neither picture would sort correctly since both were modified today.

In order to help you, the last two attachments (not sorting properly and sorting properly) will help you compare the Metadata that is being stored in IMATCH.


After testing for several hours I am finding that if right click on Date Digitized or Date Created in the Metadata panel and choose "Select the date" and choose 6/30/2003 this doesn't work.  However, if I cut and paste from a different image it will take the change.  PLease note, this DOES NOT fix the issues because even though I was able to change these dates, it is still not sorting properly.  Capture time says it is sorted by Date & Time.  Not sure where this tag is coming from

[attachment deleted by admin]


I didn't see anyone reply to this.  However, I spent about 6 hours trying different things.  I concluded that I should be going to "Tools" and then Modify EXIF date as the solution.  I originally thought I should be changing the date (dates)  in the Metadata Panel but now I don't think so.  If others have been storing scanned images within IMATCH I'm curious how you plan to set the date (or modify existing dates) within IMATCH 5.




Dates are a problem for scanned files - not an IMatch problem, per se, but a metadata mess problem. There have been some prior posts on this issue: - Discusses 'Commands/Image/Modify EXIF Date and Time...' - More extensive discussion, including use of metadata panels.

Also note that you should include the time zone offset when editing custom metadata fields, e.g.,
2014:01:08 22:02:08.00-07:00
You may get unpredictable results if this is left out.

Hope this helps.



Thanks jch2103!  This helped a lot.  I went to your links and did this.  Appreciate the tip.

Mario, can you check this.

I have been doing a lot of testing with changing dates in the panels.  See attachment 1 where I attempted to change the date. 

When I click on the drop down and choose "Select date" this box pops up (Date and Time).  No issues selecting the year, month, and day.  But, when you modify the time you can't just click into the date and use your keyboard to change the hour, minute and second.  When you hit return, the hour, minute, and second won't be the exact one you changed.

If, however, you click on the hour and use your mouse to click on the up and down buttons  to change the hour, then hit the right arrow keyboard key to move to the next field and again repeat and use your mouse to click on the up and down buttons to change the minute , etc. and then hit enter it will give you the exact date.

I'd like someone else to check this and see if they get the same thing.

I did this about three times and then IMATCH crashed. 

Mario, I saved the IMATCH log so if you want me to send it to you via email, let me know (Its 5MB).

I think I'm better off using the Tools (Modify EXIF date and time) as you suggested .

Thanks for responding.


[attachment deleted by admin]


QuoteWhen you hit return, the hour, minute, and second won't be the exact one you changed.
How do they differ?

QuoteI did this about three times and then IMATCH crashed.
I would need the log file (send to my email with a link to this topic) and more important the DUMP file IMatch has produced. This will tell me where IMatch crashed. You can upload the file to my FTP server (use a file name starting with 1567).



Thanks for the reply.  Per your request above.  See attachment.

I tried to change the "Mike's Original Date"  to match the  "Mike's Digitized Date" above it.  So, I right clicked on the bottom one "Mike's Original Date" and chose "Select Date" and then I picked 1 Jan 2011.  I then clicked into the time field and used my keyboard to change the time to 8:37:25 AM.  When I hit return it showed up at 1/7/2011 8:54:48 PM (which is not what I typed in for the time).

I am looking for the Zip file from the crash and can't find the zip file.  I have the IMATCH5_LOG_BACKUP.TXT file but did a search and can't find a dump (.zip) file which the manual says is created after a crash.

Should that zip file be available as a zip file?


[attachment deleted by admin]



See my reply above.   I'm totally confused on these dates in the Metadata panel.  Please see the attached.  I don't understand it.  I created my own panel ( I just put it at the bottom under the PDF panel assuming it doesn't matter).

I am using 4 tags (see attachment).  I have pictures that were shot on the same day so I want to highlight one, copy and paste the xmp\created Date from one picture to the one next to it.  However, when I click on the second picture I see that the formats are different.  How can that be since its the same tag.  You will notice that in the attachment the first picture (the left one on top) has a format of YYYY:MM:DD HH::MM:Sec where as the picture next to it (on bottom) has Greenwich Mean Time added.  Why?

It appears I'm not able to copy from one to another since formats are different.  Is this something I am doing?  I notice that some of my images (both scanned and camera photographs use one format and some of my images use the GMT!@#$%^



P.S.  Don't forget to look at my previous post also.  Thanks a lot for all you do!

[attachment deleted by admin]


1. I think Mario will have to answer your question of why UTC is shown in the metadata for some images and not others. For what it's worth, in my metadata template UTC is only displayed when I click on the data box; the rest of the time, the box is formatted according to the Windows date locale format (e.g., for me in US with AM or PM).  In the meantime, you may want to take advantage of the Exiftool Command Processor to see how ExifTool 'sees' the dates. Pase the following into the Arguments panel of the Command Processor and save this with a name like 'List File Dates and Times':

Then select the files you want to examine and run the command. Do the date formats appear the same for the two files?

2. Note that you can select multiple files at once to use with the metadata panel. This won't address the larger question, but it's more efficient than copying and pasting.



If you are referring to my red handwriting on the side of the picture it is the standard "Snipping Tool" that comes with Windows 7. 



You had a good idea.  I took the same two pictures I posted in my previous post attachment and brought them into the EXIF Command Processor and listed the Metadata.  I have attached the result.  Now I'm still confused.  I'm sure Mario understands this but I don't. 

The tag data I was comparing from IMATCH was

XMP::xmp\CreateDate\CreateDate\0                (In IMATCH under Mikes Panel is (xmp\Created Date)
XMP::photoshop\DateCreated\DateCreated\0    (In IMATCH under Mikes Panel is (xmp Photoshop\Date Subj Created
XMP::exif\DateTimeOriginal\DateTimeOriginal\0 (In IMATCH under Mikes Panel is XMP Date/Time Original

In this attachment, when I look in IMATCH at the Metadata panel,  in the BOTTOM picture every date except the last one above (DateTimeOriginal) has the (UTC)  6 hour difference (Greenwich). 

HOWEVER, the top picture has NO UTC dates in my panel.  I am trying to understand why because this means I cannot copy the date from an image right next to each other in IMATCH and copy it and paste it in the Metadata panel because they are in different formats.  I don't know why they are in different formats.

Hope this helps explain what I'm trying to say. 


[attachment deleted by admin]



Were you able to figure anything out with the times?



Quote from: kiwilink on January 11, 2014, 11:39:58 PM

Were you able to figure anything out with the times?


I have not even looked at it. I'm currently looking at bug reports from November/December.