Exporting Metadata to Text (Custom Sort Option Missing)

Started by kiwilink, January 12, 2014, 10:41:49 PM

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I wanted to send some pictures to someone and have them identify the date.  I tried to export the in the custom sort order but I  don't see that option (but I see all of the others).   See attached.

Is there something I have to do to choose Custom?  I think Default may give the same outcome but I thought I should ask.



[attachment deleted by admin]


The custom sort is only available in file windows. Only the file window knows the current scope (e.g. which folder or category is selected), and for custom sorts, IMatch has to store the order of the files for each folder or category individually.

Quote from the Help topic for the Text Exporter:

QuoteThis list contains all sort profiles defined for your database. Choose one of the profiles to control the sort order of the exported files.
If you use custom sort orders in your file windows and you want to export the files in the same order, select all files via Ctrl+A and then drag and drop this selection onto the Text Export filter. Select the 'No Sort' profiles in this case.