Image catalog with metadata print

Started by Rsten, April 29, 2014, 02:32:14 PM

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I would like to find out if it is a good idea to use Imatch to automatically build catalogues from the images library. One could make a template and set image and all text fields from metadata, like name, category, sizes and prices. Then it would be easy to just select which pictures you wanted to make a catalog of, and print using the template. Are there any tools already done for such things?


There is currently no built-in printing tool in IMatch. I have plans for that for a later edition.

If you can program in IMatch script, you can automate Word or even create PDF files using one of the free or commercial PDF libraries. Depending on your requirements you can also output formatted HTML. There are many ways, just no generic print module right now.


Thanks for your answer. I am not a good scripter, that is why I was looking for an easy solution within Imatch, since none of the other tools I have could do this conveniently. But outputting to PDF or HTML is quite fine, it is the generating of a sales list or exhibition catalogs in a quick way which is missing, can make them in Word or desktop publishing, but a simple list with fields from metadata would do in almost all the cases, and since all the photos already are in Imatch, that would be efficient.

Pass my honour to the team for very good software, Imatch is so stable and trustworthy, and so full of good things for us photofreaks.


Thanks from the "team"  ;)

IMatch 5 can export data to text and HTML (check the text exporter) and the HTML Report sample script. Maybe a good starting point.

For IMatch 5 I consider a printing feature to encompass customizable layouts for Word Processors, PDF, HTML and maybe even HTML5 slide shows. Or one or more of the common eBook / PhotoBook formats. Quite a lot of cool things. But that's a major feature and I will look into this for a later build - if there is demand and feedback from users.