Usage of the filter-panel

Started by Gerd, July 01, 2013, 12:20:43 PM

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I'll try to use the filter-panel, but it does not work as I think ...

If I activate the folder-window, there are no files behind the folders, all is zero ...



In the screenshot you have also enabled a category filter, so the combination of the two results probably in "no images"


Yes, that is, what I want to test. In that directory there are files, that match with the selected category!
So I want to see only the categry-matching files from this month ...



Quote from: Gerd on July 01, 2013, 12:47:45 PM
Yes, that is, what I want to test. In that directory there are files, that match with the selected category!
So I want to see only the categry-matching files from this month ...

I would use the Timeline for that and set a filter on the required categories, but in the screenshot you have selected a folder in the M&F view which has 0 images, so filtering on 0 images will always result in 0 images.
You haven't selected a folder in the Filter Panel, so I'm not sure what your intention is in this case.


Also if I do it like this, no pictures are visible and now I have only a folder selected:



A Filter REDUCES the amount of images that are shown in the File Window. So select eg. Database in the M&F view or @All in Category view, and now you can use a filter to only show some specific images according to the Filter you selected.


You selected on the "Medien&Verzeichnis" a folder (= "06"). This folder has no files; just the subfolders. On the right side you selected a subfolder of "06". The subfolders hast no files, from the selected left folder "06"; that's why it also shown as "0".

The filter just filters, what is shown in the file window. In the file window is just shown, was is in the selected folder, without the subfolders.


Yes, I see only, what is in the date-folders, but why can I select in the filter-panel months?

Now I used time-line ... and here it is working ... but only with categories, here byou see also some flowers dated 2013-03-21:

Now I only activated the file-name-option and the result, I see all from 03:

It's a little bit confusing, that there is no logic behind, when something works together and when not ...



Gerd, try this what BenAW suggested:

1. Go to Kategorien-View (left side).
2. click on @All (Pause can hide the files).
3. No selected your categories & folder-Filter like you want above --> the result must be this, what you are looking for.

In German:

Versuche es einmal anders.

1. Gehe zur Kategorien-Sicht
2. Klicke auf @all --> Alle Dateien werden jetzt angezeigt (wenn auch vielleicht durch die "Pause" versteckt.
3. Jetzt kannst Du diese Daten nach Kategorien und Verzeichnis filtern, wie Du es oben tun wolltest.

Das Filter-Panel ist nur für das Dateifenster zuständig. Um daraus etwas zu filtern, muss es erst einmal rein (z.B. durch das @all).


Quote from: Gerd on July 01, 2013, 01:31:03 PM
It's a little bit confusing, that there is no logic behind, when something works together and when not ...
The logic is actually quite simple: you select one of the views (M&F, Categories, Timeline or Collections.
There you select which folder, category, date or collection you want to view (or ALL images in the dbase by selecting Database or @All category.
If you get too many images in the View, Activate a Filter and REDUCE that amount according to the selected Filter.


Hi BenAW,

I think, I did it ...  first I selected the categorie ( flowers) and I see all flowers from timeline march ... that's ok. Now I selected a specif filename (all beginning with 2013-03-21) and now I see all.

If I remove the category and keep only the file name, beginning with, then I see NO results ... there is no logic behind ....


P.S. if I use in the file-settings 'contains'  , then it works ....

2nd P.S. If I disable 'also search in folder names' and I use 'file name starting with', the I get the files from eg. 21, where I have some pictures with category 'Flowers'. If I change the date to 2013-03-18, then I get the flower-pictures from that date, but if I change it to 2013-03-19, wher I have no flower-pictures, then ALL pictures are showed ... that might be an error, or is that logical ...


Why do you want to filter on the Filename to get a certain date?

Just set the filter on eg. category "Flowers" and go to the Timeline View.
Just click on the year, or the month or the date you're interested in and you can see all Flowers for every date in the dbase.
(if there are flower images on a specific date of course.)

I see some images with "fs" in the filename. If you want the Flowers, but only the ones with "fs" in the filename you use the Filename filter, using "contains" and "fs" AND still the Category filter of course.



another example: I want to select all flowers, made at 12:00 in March. My filename contains date_time_camera, e.g. 2013-03-23_120426_I7D_3294.JPG.

My settings: left view time line, month 03 selected; right side filter-panel, categorie 'Flowers' and file-name contains _12; result all matching flower-pictures are shown ... fine, that's ok

Now I want to see the flower-pictures made at 15:00, but there are no matchings with 15:xx, no flower-pictures with this time-slot, expected result -> a blank (grey) screen,

but instead of this, ALL pictures are shown and not only all from March, no, also January and February pictures are shown ... that the error!



OK, let's look at this more slowly so I can follow:

1. You select the node representing March 2013 in the time line view.
The file window now shows all photos taken in March 2013. Is this correct?

2. In the Filter panel you activate the category filter (Place an X in the check box in the caption of this filter) and put an X in front of your "Flowers" category.
The file window now removes all files from view which are not in this category. Is this correct?

3. Now comes the part I don't understand. You want to filter out all files not taken at 15:00. When I understand your file names correctly, this means that you want to remove all files from the file window which do not contain _15. Is this correct?

I did this. I enabled the file name filter (X in the caption). In the drop-down box I selected Contains  and in the edit field I entered _15
I made sure that the ignore file extension option is set.

IMatch removed all files without _15 from the file window. This is the expected result. All files taken in March 2013 around 15:00 which are also in the category "Flowers".

Using my 1,2,3 step, can you see a difference in your setup?

PS.: I see that you have linked images from Google's Picasa web site in your post. I would pretty much prefer if you would use the attachment feature available for all members of this community. I don't want Google to take a grab on this forum or to spy on it.  I don't care that Google records that you are using this community, but I care for privacy of this community, especially at this time.


I just replicated Gerd's steps and it looks like a bug in the Filename filter when using the Timeline view(?).
-Select the Timeline view, a date and note the number of images with the Filter NOT activated (xxxx).
-Select the Filename filter, select a part of a filename, Activate and see the number of images being reduced as expected.

Now select another Filter (eg. Categories, Folders) and select anything you like, and the number of images returns to xxxx.
(I didn't see the inclusion of more images than selected BEFORE applying the Filter.


Hi Mario,

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes

But now change the "contains" to _18 (be sure, no pictures will match this time), then I get ALL available pictures, instead of none ....



Quote from: BenAW on July 01, 2013, 07:23:50 PM
I just replicated Gerd's steps and it looks like a bug in the Filename filter when using the Timeline view(?).
-Select the Timeline view, a date and note the number of images with the Filter NOT activated (xxxx).
-Select the Filename filter, select a part of a filename, Activate and see the number of images being reduced as expected.

Now select another Filter (eg. Categories, Folders) and select anything you like, and the number of images returns to xxxx.
(I didn't see the inclusion of more images than selected BEFORE applying the Filter.

If you switch from Timeline direct to Folder-view, where e.g. month 03 is selcted and hierarchy is set to show all levels, then it's working correct: no match, no pictures.



When I enter a file name pattern which does not match any files, the file window shows no files. This is correct.


QuoteIf you switch from Timeline direct to Folder-view, where e.g. month 03 is selcted and hierarchy is set to show all levels, then it's working correct: no match, no pictures.

You are confusing me. If your filter works in the F&M view but not in the timeline, there must be something different in the timeline. Do you use the same hierarchy mode?

The file filter works independently from the view you are in. It uses whatever is contained in the file window and filters that. So the filter sees the same file window whether you are in the M&F view or the timeline. When the input set of images is correct, the filter will also be correct.

Show me some screen shots perhaps (do not use Google's Picasa web site for that, just attach to your reply).


Uuups, yes , the hierarchy-settings are different ...

If I make them both to show all levels, then it's working .... puh ...

But what I do not understand, is the different result with setting "Show Hierarchy" for F&M and Timeline ...

That's all not so easy, if you do not see, that settings are different to the selected views. Is it possible for me to make the title-bars in different colors? F&M green, Hierarchy green ..... Timeline orange, Hierarchy orange ...



We have no two different discussion threads for your problem.
Can we please close this and use only your other thread. It is hard enough for me to keep up with all the postings, and spreading the same problem over multiple threads does not do any good.

You cannot color the caption bar individually for each of the views. When hierarchies are enabled, the hierarchy button is shown in bright orange.