Expected performance of Imatch 5 - How should I change settings?

Started by waterwombat, January 27, 2014, 02:04:51 PM

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I have recently installed and Imatch5.0.134 aftere a few years isnce I last used Imatch 3.6 to any extent.

I am still getting my head around some of the changes, but have been disappointed so far about the performance of various tasks.

I am using a pentium i7 950 with 12 gb of ram on a fresh install of windows 7 64 bit.

I have initially loaded a directory of 9000 files, from 3 cameras, 12mp jpgs from a D90, 24mp JPG and NEF from a Nikon d7100 and jpg and video from a Panasonic 12mp point and shoot.  The files are housed on an external USB3 drive with correct dirvers installed - giving a write speed of about 35Mb/S

The handling of these files has proved very slow, with reading and writing back to thefiles taking may hours, with the application becoming unresponsive in the mean time.

I had intended to sort the images after initial rough keywording into separate directory by day ( the images result form a 2 month Safari trip, and time correction to the exif times.

The time correction has taken about 12 hours to run, and when I write keywords ( location details and general descriptions to the locations of groups of photos, the updating symbol  is still on many images after several hours. 

When I try and continue with operations the application is greying out with a message do I wish to wait for the non-responsive app or close it.

The app seems to be running a lot slower than 3.6 used to - on a less powerful computer.

What am I doing wrong?

many thanks


Quote from: waterwombat on January 27, 2014, 02:04:51 PM
The files are housed on an external USB3 drive with correct dirvers installed - giving a write speed of about 35Mb/S
What am I doing wrong?

many thanks
I don't know if you are doing something wrong, but 35MB/s is pretty slow for an USB3 disk - this is USB2 speed (nominal).
Sure it is attached to an USB3 port?



1. Please attach the log file from the experiment you are describing.

2. A typical USB drive writes/reads at about 150-200 MB/sec, give or take.