Reverse Geocoding - no message...?

Started by Aubrey, February 13, 2014, 07:45:50 AM

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I am doing some reverse geocoding using
A few issues:
Some files appear to reverse geocode. Then when I try to reverse geocode another nothing shows up, no choices and no population. If I go back to a file I already geocoded and clear the information and do another lookup again no population; this is of a file already geocoded
No message appears to say it is having difficulty accessing server.

Should there be a message if the server cannoth accessed, and if so, then why when I do another lookup some time later of the same file nothing appears to happen.



Do you use a free account with
Or maybe even the sample 'test' account?

GeoNames is a free service run by volunteers. There is no guarantee that the service is always working. Usually IMatch gets a timeout and displays a corresponding  message. Sometimes the free GeoNames account is just not working.

If you want a proper service, get yourself a paid account. It's cheap. Or use Google, which is paid by all of us with every product we buy (by the marketing money the producer includes in the price we have to pay, and which finally ends up in Google's pockets). That they provide a working geo-coding service is the minimum they can go in return.


I tested reverse geocoding again:, free user account, username entered in preferences.

I do not get an error message and no result.

(When I tested that months ago it worked fine)

Anyone got some advice for troubleshooting this? Does it work for others?
Maps works OK.


Maybe there is some more info in the IMatch log file?


Log file attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Your database reports physical damage: Physical database damage: 'database disk image is malformed'
The database system has discovered that some parts of the database file are corrupted. Did you have any problems with the hard disk, power failure or similar? You should see warning messages when IMatch comes up. I suggest you replace the database with a backup.

I cannot tell why you cannot use Maybe your IP has been banned because there have been too many requests or something?
I don't see any error messages in the log from geo-mapping attempts.
You can switch to Google under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps.


I did have problems with the database - but I did a lot of testing and rebuilding (from IM3).
I just tried the current db: geonames does not work, google does.
Let's leave it at that for now.


Since the database system reports that the database is damaged you should replace it.
Physical damage to the database file can cause random errors and effects.