Question regardsing Reverse Geocode all selected files

Started by Frank, February 08, 2014, 08:23:30 AM

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I have now started (first reading) testing geocoding files. I am currently using geosetter for doing this stuff for me.

What I have figured out is that:
1. The location field is not filled out automatically like geosetter does
    city: Berlin
    location: Nikolaiviertel
    Imatch just puts Nikolaiviertel into the attribute city.
2. When selecting multiple files and after lookup I figure out that there is something wrong and change it. There is no option to change it for all selected files.

1. Am I doing something wrong?
2. Is there a way of using IMatch map like geosetter works?



1. I assume you are referring to Tools > Reverse geocoding... or do you work with the Map Panel and automatic reverse geo-coding?

2. Please provide sample coordinates and let us know whether you use or Goggle as the service provider (Edit > Preferences > Geo). Otherwise we might compare apples with oranges.

3. Why don't you select all files and then make the change in the Metadata Panel, like with all other metadata?


Top 1: I do not work with automatic reverse geo coding.
Top 2: See attached picture (test.jpg)
Top 3: I could do it but during the tagging I am in the geo app panel and it would be than just one step. Going to the other metadata panel is an extra step.


[attachment deleted by admin]


The data in GeoSetter looks like Google data.
Have you tried switching IMatch to Google?


I only use google. I further changed all combinations within the preferences.
There is no other option I ccan see.

See also the attached picture

[attachment deleted by admin]


The service used by reverse geo-coding provider is configured under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps. It is by default set to

This is what I get for your sample file:

[attachment deleted by admin]


YES thats what I also get within imatch. But using Geosetter I get the correct information and I do not know why?

See also picture above



When I use Google and use the first match, the data filled seems to be correct because it matches what I see in the Map Panel...??

[attachment deleted by admin]


Unfortunality it is not correct, bcause of State/Province is called "Hessen" NOT "Hesse"

The Location in your picture shows the Streetname "Trimburgerstraße 1" and Geosetter uses the name of the village Lehnerz.

So there are two differences and I am not using the streetname. And I wonder where the difference come from?

And it does not help me if I now have different content into oner Attribute.

I would like to use the imatch geotagging.



Hesse is returned because I use an English system and access Google using the English language.

IMatch chooses Fulda because Google sometimes returns a location and a sublocation. In this case the location is "Fulda..." and the sublocation is "Lehnerz" in this case. When I use the sublocation, the city is named "36039 Lehnerz" but all other data remains the same and seems to be correct.

The Google documentation states:

locality zeigt die politische Einheit einer Stadt oder Gemeinde an

sublocality zeigt ein erstrangige öffentliche Verwaltungseinheit unterhalb der Ebene einer Stadt an.

important is the unterhalb einer Stadt. But we are filling the City here and is why IMatch chooses the locality over the sublocality.
GeoSetter apparently uses the sublocation to set the City. I don't know because I cannot look into GeoSetter.


you are right with your explanation.
QuoteThe Google documentation states:

locality zeigt die politische Einheit einer Stadt oder Gemeinde an

sublocality zeigt ein erstrangige öffentliche Verwaltungseinheit unterhalb der Ebene einer Stadt an.

So in my example the locality is "Fulda" and the sublocality is "Lehnerz". Thats how all towns and villages are grouped.

Gemeinde und Ortsteil oder Stadt und Stadtteil



Please re-read the release notes for the current 5.0.140 build of IMatch.
They explicitly mention this and the changes I have made in order to handle this better.

If you so far have ignored this, please make a few tests and report back.


Hi Mario,
I had read the relesenote and therefore I had written to the last post.

Using my tesimage in this post. There is still no change. I have used Geoneames as well as google.

I am looking for a selection like:

The result of Imatch see pictures attached.


[attachment deleted by admin]



Yes it shows Lehnerz but not the cityname Fulda before Lehnerz.

See Result of Geosetter as attachment.


[attachment deleted by admin]


This is what I get from Google for your sample file:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks Mario,
now I get the right result from google.

I am not able to store it right back into imatch, because the country "Deutschland" is not within the drop down list. I could not find any hin within the docu that describes how to change it.

See also attached pictures.


[attachment deleted by admin]


IMatch uses a table with standard international country names for this purpose.



Please add a feature request if you need to enter custom country codes or country names.