Thoughts and Information about crashes and other unexpected situations

Started by Frank, March 09, 2014, 07:24:23 AM

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Sometimes I read about Imatch is crashing and Imatch is hanging while doing some operations. I didn't had any crash while working with imatch 5.

This morning I have started to modify one attribute within 25000 pictures. During that operation I checked the RAM which is used by Win 7 and Imatch.

The RAM the system and Imatch uses for it is between 6 and 7 GB. So I think if some of you have sudden crashes you should have a look at the RAM as well as the CPU the system is using.

Working with WIN 7 the system should have at least 8 GB RAM. Better is 16 BG of RAM.

See also attached pictures


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IMatch uses about 400 to 700 MB (depending on the database size). If you use the Viewer or the slide show, it may use up to 3 GB for pre-loading and caching files in memory.  I test IMatch on systems with as little as 2 GB!

A memory usage of more than 1 GB if the Viewer and the Slide Show is not running indicates a problem somewhere. I see 3 GB usage in your screen shot. What did you do in IMatch before you took that screen shot, and do you have a log file? IMatch adds information about average and peek memory usage at certain intervals to the log, and seeing this data may be helpful to diagnose why IMatch is using so much memory.


see attached logfile.
I just did a big writeback to pictures. Thats it

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Very strange.

The very first memory log already shows a memory consumption of over 2 GB (2110MB) and it looks as IMatch is still booting the database while filling/showing the first file window - basically IMatch did not do much yet. Your database is also not that large with about 50,000 files and 12,000 categories. I wonder what is consuming so much memory...

I will add some extra memory log entries so please keep this in mind and produce the same log again after installing the next build. Maybe this shows me why IMatch is consuming so much memory. I used a 100,000 files database for culling and testing today, and it never used more than 1.3 GB memory. On your system IMatch uses twice as much just after starting  ??? :o


Hi Mario,
if you put some extra logging info into the Logfile. Just as an Information.
My Database contains about 10000 TIF Pictures with a size of 180 MB each. This can be the problem, because the tumbnail generation extracts than also the preview out of them.

The big size of the pictue came from scanned pictures /negatives and positives from silberfast 64bit HDR (RAW) with an infrarot overlay.



Hi Mario,
I have now started again a test.
See attached current state of the logfile as well as a picture. I can sent you the full logfile when finished with the writeback.


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