Report how many times a images needs to be printed possible?

Started by picolo, July 23, 2013, 10:41:37 PM

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Lets say I have a category called

----Child Client Name (holds all pictures that are online somewhere, here pictures 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10**)
--------Child sub client A (contains orderd pic 1,2,9)
--------Child sub client B (contains orderd pic 1,5,9)
--------Child sub client C (contains orderd pic 2,3,7,9)

Ind this case I would need a report like:
pic 1: 2x
pic 2: 2x
pic 3: 1x
pic 5: 1x
pic 7: 1x
pic 9: 3x

This report I would like to copy/paste into an email to my lab...

How can I achieve something like that? Would that be possible somehow with the report app?

**the number represents the filename
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


Tracking while files have been sold, to which client, how often ...

This looks some kind of submission tracking. Did you consider Attributes for this purpose. There is a submission tracking sample Attribute set, and the IMatch help uses this to explain more advanced Attribute usage.


Dear Picolo,

only to get no miss-understandings:

Pic 2 is listed two times (client A andclient C), so it should be in the report 2x .... right?



@Mario: not sure how Attributes can help me with that. I have read that already a few times and I thought I understood it (partly)
I guess I have to read it again, tomorrow  :-\

@Gerd: You are right, I have corrected it. But now you see why I need such a app/script/report! Just to avoid expensive wrong orders...
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)



I guess I would need some help with that. I really don't see how I can do that with Attributes.
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


You have the following entities:


You need to record which client has ordered which images how often (maybe a client orders 2 prints of the same image?)
Your simple category approach cannot handle the case where the same client orders multiple prints of the same image. If this never happens, your category approach will work.

So an order would look like:

Image 1 (count)
Image 2 (count)
Image n (count)

For your report, you need to go through this info and calculate which images need to be printed, and how often each of these images needs to be printed.
That's easy to do with a small script. Because of the calculation required, none of the simple built in modules (e.g. the Report App) can work. You could print out the categories with the Report App, but not perform the calculations. Except you extend the Report App to do this.

The principles are the same whether you use your categories or Attributes.

A good approach would be an Attribute Set for Clients (global), and another for Orders (per file). This would look like this, with the order already filled in:

and id you select multiple files, you can see which client ordered which of the images how often, like this

This allows you also to track order dates or fulfillment (if the order was delivered).

If this information is available, you can either export it directly from IMatch into Excel to perform additional calculations (e.g. combine the orders per image) or you can send the exported text file to your printer.

Your category-based approach can also work, but you will need a purpose-built script or some very clever variable magic and a custom HTML panel or App do produce the result.

I'm sorry but I cannot help you further with this. I do this for a living and this can be considered a small project.

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Quote'm sorry but I cannot help you further with this. I do this for a living and this can be considered a small project.
No Problem, I will see how far I get with the information you have already provided. Thanks!
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)