Face and Regions

Started by Frank, July 02, 2013, 07:54:56 PM

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I tag all my faces with picasa, because they write the faces as xmp- MWG. So far so good. Now I read that Face annotation can be added in imatch 5 and they will be written in Hirachically keywords.
I was wondering if these two can become one solution?

My Questions:
1. Can imatch also write the face annotation as xmp-MWG to be compliant with the MWG standard?
2. Can already tagged faces of the MWG Group be visualized in imatch 5 Slide show as well as in the viewer panel?
3. Can the visualization be like within the other application? This means, that if I go with the mouse over a face the annotation will become visible.

Kind Regards



The face part of MWG is on my to-do list but not yet implemented.
In theory IMatch can convert regions embedded by other software in MWG into IMatch annotations and display them. And vice-versa.

3. I usually do not copy "other applications". I guess there will be users who prefer face annotations to work like any other annotation. And other users who like to have it in their "other application". And since users will use different "other applications" I will have to decide which "other" application I use. I will think about this when I implement the region -> annotation bridge some day.

I'm generally no fan of face annotations. especially not when done via Google Picasa or Facebook. What users often don't realize is that they give away the names and faces of their friends to these big companies for free, and that they allow Facebook and the likes to track persons via the Internet by face recognition. This data is extremely precious and these companies make a lot money by selling the Face => Person data to other companies and agencies. Combine that with the cameras all over public places and recent events and Orwell's 1984 is an old hat. And the best thing is, users are giving away this data for free, and helping Facebook and others. Sigh...
<= rant

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Quote from: Mario on July 02, 2013, 08:16:00 PM

I'm generally no fan of face annotations. especially not when done via Google Picasa or Facebook. What users often don't realize is that they give away the names and faces of their friends to these big companies for free, and that they allow Facebook and the likes to track persons via the Internet by face recognition. This data is extremely precious and these companies make a lot money by selling the Face => Person data to other companies and agencies. Combine that with the cameras all over public places and recent events and Orwell's 1984 is an old hat. And the best thing is, users are giving away this data for free, and helping Facebook and others. Sigh...
<= rant

OT: If I give MY own face to such companies, than I have no problems, I know, what I do. But the problem is, other people are fascinated by face recognition and does posting my face and faces from other friends (often girls) to the big internet. And they do not ask the others, they does it simply. Of course mostly they are not aware, what they are doing, now, they think, it is fun and fascinating ... but the do, in fact, some illegal things with my image.
I think, this could be a big problem in the future. And yes, of course, big companies makes money with these stuff, like they earn money with our mail-addresses, real addresses, with our "behaviour of buying" (online-shops) and so on.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Unfortunately, I think that genie is well out of the bottle. Ithink it's safe to assume each of us has at least a few pictures out there with our mugs tagged by helpful friends. All we can do is not help the problem; I refuse to tag any photos and am extremely restrictive of which of my own images get posted to FB--I stick to my SmugMug site & simply have update notes & a link posted to the FB feed.


As Mario mentioned it earlier in a other post: Somehow like: People using Imatch are not using Picasa and vice versa.
I can tell you that I save my picture in a true crypt container with a secure password (password is not written somewhere). All backups are made on true crypt volumes as well using a different password.
I only use Picasa to tag the people on it.
Picasa is set up on a win 7 VM (host only). So google is not even able to get any information from me.
I update picasa while installing it totaly new rebuilding the origionally database.
My private Network is made quite save as well. I do have not even on IP Range! I use several different IP ranges while natting. Knowing that attack comes from inside via spy, male ware and so on.
Surfing in the Internet we do use another VM with ubunto on it.

Belive me I do know what I am doing and what internet security means, even if my english is bad.

But the main thing is storing the faces in the picture in the common namespace (MWG) helps seaching for pictures. Knowing Who is Who in terms of ancestry researches.

What where people doing in the past? The where writing below each picture "from left first row Max, Mario, Frank, ... and so on. This cant be the solution in our century.


Quote from: Frank on July 03, 2013, 07:54:59 PM

What where people doing in the past? The where writing below each picture "from left first row Max, Mario, Frank, ... and so on. This cant be the solution in our century.

In the past?  :-[

Maybe we in Switzerland are behind the mountains and the technic.
But  most of the journals here and magazines does still exactly this: from left to right and so on.

They do not work with iptc or xmp. At least the journalists and people, who are responsible for quite some big newspapers. Maybe in other countries or very big editors they are ways ahead!?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


QuoteWhat where people doing in the past? The where writing below each picture "from left first row Max, Mario, Frank, ... and so on. This cant be the solution in our century.

No, of course not. That's what metadata is for. Having keywords, titles, captions and the like in your images is cool and useful. And as long as this information does not leave your computer or network, this is no problem. As soon as big companies allow to make money from it without your consent, problems start.

As soon oon as you upload your files to Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Tumblr and the likes your metadata becomes public. And the faces on your images become public too.

In Germany, posting a photo of a person to Facebook without that persons explicit permission is unlawful and can cost you real money if the person files a law suit. Even if the person does not object, you, by uploading the photo, hand over (aka give away for free) the persons face and all the metadata contained in the file to the company providing the upload site. Google / FB etc. will extract this data, link it with other information, store it in their database and then sell it, use it, abuse it to their liking. Just read the 100 pages of agreement you have signed when creating your account or implicitly agree to by using your favorite search engine. If a person on one of your images also has a FB account, the face can and will be linked to that persons FB account, to link it with all the info that FB has about that person and the persons this person is related too, and then will be sold to their advertisement partners and what other companies and agencies are willing to pay for this data. All the social and search engine companies work alike to finance themselves and to generate money for their shareholders. You get FB or your search engine in exchange for your personal data. And if you use things like face tagging, you also sell out your friends and family. But its so social and "Do no evil" and all that. Hah!

Metadata with names on FB was bad enough. Then FB introduced face recognition. And since machine face recognition is not good enough to be reliable, Facebook made it hip and social to "tag your friends". This immediately gave Facebook an army of willing helpers who tagged their friends and family member faves to complete and improve the Facebook facial recognition database. Same for Picasa and similar services.

From then on, Facebook could tell which persons are related to which persons by just looking at the photos people are uploading to Facebook or elsewhere Facebook has a grip on. And Google does the same, just on an even bigger scale.

I personally don't like this. I'm not social, in this sense. Sorry.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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For me this is clear and i know that. I have never uploaded Files to that sozial
If i give Pictures away i delete all metadata by using exiftool. This is easy.
I am rather not sozial in that sense but searching and tagging faces is essential for me.
The whole discussion i do not understand, because i will only use some Standard metadata.
how will you know who is who on the Picture within imatch. What Sinus answered is the writen stuff in News.
But search for a picture within imatch you have to use it
My whole historically collection has that Information.
I cannot remember all people lived in my Collage 100 years ago. But it is Wirth to habe them.