One-button switch between Viewer and Slideshow

Started by DaweP, March 27, 2014, 09:40:57 PM

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I know the purpose of the viewer is for quick browsing between the images, rating, deleting, comparing, ..., ..., ... , whereas the purpose of the Slideshow is for full-screen undisturbed presentation.
That said, I believe I am not the only one who would appreciate a way to QUICKLY skip from one mode to the other and vice-versa. Optimally, with one key, e.g. [ * ] (asterisk).

When browsing the images in viewer (color management off, but displayed dashboard, histogram, collections, filmstrip...), I sometimes would like to see how the image looks when displayed as in slideshow mode (I am aware of the [T] [Y] command, but still...). Or conversely, when watching slideshow, I sometimes want to see some detailed info as in viewer. Or to dive into the image to see some interesting detail. It would be great if I could, pressing just one button, turn from viewer to slideshow (or reversely) for the currently selected scope if images (starting with the one currently displayed).   


For a full, unobstructed view in the Viewer, use the <Backspace> key. It hides all panels, overlays and film strip. You see only the image(s).
You can still do dive-zoom and change scale, pan and all that.

The slide show has been explicitly designed for presentation purposes, and full auto.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Yes, this is a reply I expected  ;)

Similarly to <Backspace> you mentioned, i guess the combination of <T> <Y> could be used...(?)

Still, if I have color management set off for viewer and want to see it "nice" and with propper colors, fast switch to slideshow would be useful. IMatch has so many great features that really save time and is already so complex in many ways... that this one more feature...  ;)  ;)  ;) I believe that you would manage to implement this just before the water for your coffee boils... ;-)  :D



<Backspace> is the even shorter shortcut for Ctrl+Y. More convenient.

To open the images currently in the Viewer in the slide show, just use <Ctrl>+<F12> or use the corresponding command available in the context menu of the Viewer. Does this not work for you?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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And reversely?
What if somebody, who is watching the slideshow, says: "Wait, what is that little thing over there?" And you want to zoom in.
a colleague photographer watches the slideshow and asks about some technical detail, which is easily found using some Viewer's feature?

I do not want to involve those features into Slideshow. Keep it working as designed, it works well. But I want just a quick switch between these two, there and back again, done simply with one distinctive button (e.g. asterisk).
Exitting slideshow, displaying the usual workspace with thumbnails and clicking the image to be opened in a viewer seems a bit cumbersome to me. Don't get me wrong, I highly appreciate how IMatch is designed and how it works. It is brilliant and amazes me each time I use it. And it has so many little convenient things that SMALL group of people will appreciate, whereas the majority does not even realize it was available, that adding the proposed little feature seems like a valid feature request. Will all use it? Probably not. Will some appreciate it? I believe so.

Of course I do not know whether it is complicated to implement or nor, or whether it may impose some unwanted side effects. If this is the case, than I will happily live without it. But if the only objection is that you believe it counters the intended use of viewer or slideshow and it will not be useful, I dare to maintain my humble opinion  ;)