Timeline: Display by "Date added"

Started by meyersoft, April 07, 2014, 08:08:43 AM

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I have been searching in the forum and in the help file, but did not find a solution (yet):
Is there a possibility to display the database contents by "date added", preferrably in the timeline?
I found that there are file.added, file.modified and file.updated variables in the file history, but I have seen no way to show/sort files by these values.


Currently the timeline uses the File Date and Time attribute which is extracted from the file itself.
See "Date and Time" in the help for details on how this timestamp is determined.

Configurable time lines is a feature scheduled for one of the releases following the initial release. I think there is already a feature request for this. Try to locate it and add your comments to it.


Thanks Mario for your reply.
This is no big problem for me, just did not know if I overlooked one of the many many good features of imatch.
And good to hear that this might be implemented in one of the next releases.

I found this feature request regarding configurable timelines: https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=552.msg3110#msg3110
Did you mean this? I would like to add my comments to the correct one...


No, that's not the one I remembered.
Add a new request if you like.
