Media & Folders Filtering

Started by Darius1968, April 08, 2014, 06:28:04 AM

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Okay, my hard drive E has a folder WYDD (a 1970's free form rock station in Pittsburgh, PA!).  Underneath WYDD are two sub folders, _Free Form Days & Images. 

So, if I enter "wydd" in the filter field of Media & Folders, IMatch limits my tree structure from my HD E on down to the "wydd" folder.  I click on this folder and see nothing in the file window.  So far, so good because there are no files in "wydd", only files in wydd's two sub folders.  I found out that I can see these two sub folders, "_Free Form Days" & "Images" in the file window by making sure that I involve the "Show Hierarchy" button by first activating it, and secondly, by deactivating "Don't group by folder". 

Given that all in the previous two paragraphs are accomplished facts, I now have file(s) on my desktop that I'd like to copy/move to the Images sub folder using copy/cut.  my problem is getting to that Image sub folder.  If I issue a "Reset filter" in Media & Folders, what happens is is that the focus is no longer on that WYDD folder, but rather the focus is on some other arbitrary folder. 

What should my workflow be to accomplish my objective? 


Why don't you use the find function (same property panel) to locate the folder and then click on it? This will find the folder and show the sub-folders as usual in the M&F view.

The filter function is there to effectively limit the folders you see - not the ideal tool for your task at hand.


I could use the find function.  I was just using the filter function instead because that way, I could get an idea right off the bat how many "wydd" folders I had.  For instance, if I immediately saw five hierarchical trees after the filter, that would sort of tell me right away that there are about fiver "wydd" folders.  On the other hand, if I used find instead, then I'd have to cycle through each and every instance of "wydd" to know how many I had.  Is there a way, using find over filter, to quickly know how many such folders there are?  Also, if one uses the filter function, is there a quick way to expand the hierarchical tree(s) to reveal the sought after folder (in my case, "wydd")? 


To find out how many wydd folders you have, use the filter. That's what it is for.
The find is for finding folders.
I just pointed out that the combination of a filter which limits the folders you see and how you want to work in the file window will not work really well.


And, if I use the filter function, if it finds say 5 branches, all leading to a "wydd" folder, is there at this point, a way to click at the beginning of one of these paths and have IMatch automatically open up the whole branch to reveal the leaf of "wydd", instead of having to manually do it myself? 


No. To see all child folders (or folders not matching your filter term) you have have to disable the filter. IMatch keeps the selected folder, so make sure you select the wydd you want before disabling the filter.