Zooming the thumbs in files window

Started by reader, July 03, 2013, 02:36:22 PM

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When I zoom the thumbnail size in the files window, at a certain point the image itself stops enlarging and just get bigger and bigger borders.. the images remains the same.

What can I do so that the images grow clear out to the end of the zoom widget?  That is, so instead of getting larger borders the image itself continues to enlarge.


Haven't tested this, but I assume the thumb size you selected when creating the dbase is the limiting factor.
See "Thumbnail Size" in the Help


Quote from: BenAW on July 03, 2013, 02:51:19 PM
Haven't tested this, but I assume the thumb size you selected when creating the dbase is the limiting factor.
See "Thumbnail Size" in the Help

Yup that did help quite a lot.  Still seems like quite a lot of border in the verticle directions but may be more to do with the 2:3 size of most of my images.. probably be worse on 3:4


Quote from: reader on July 03, 2013, 07:32:05 PM
Quote from: BenAW on July 03, 2013, 02:51:19 PM
Haven't tested this, but I assume the thumb size you selected when creating the dbase is the limiting factor.
See "Thumbnail Size" in the Help

Yup that did help quite a lot.  Still seems like quite a lot of border in the verticle directions but may be more to do with the 2:3 size of most of my images.. probably be worse on 3:4

I may be noticing something that can be fixed somewhere but I see no options to adjust the shape of the thumbs.
In my files screen the little thumb windows (Not the actual border of the images ), appear to be taller than they are wide. In other words they're shaped exactly wrong to accommodate most images (Unless cropped to different dimensions).
I guess that is to allow for the name and all the little icons on the images?

In my view the bottoms of the thumbnail spaces (where the series of 5 stars are) appear to have quite a lot of space just wasted.
That could be said of the top side too if you don't mind running a couple more of the verticly placed icons down into the image... already a couple of them are in the image so maybe wouldn't matter to push a couple more down there.

So, is there a place to fiddle with the shape of the thumbs or just the size at Preferences > database


I assume you've looked at File Window Layout (the File Window introduction) in Help?


Quote from: jch2103 on July 03, 2013, 08:19:11 PM
I assume you've looked at File Window Layout (the File Window introduction) in Help?

Er... no (in a weak voice).  I often seem to find the wrong strings to search for.. in this case I centered on thumbnails


Quote from: jch2103 on July 03, 2013, 08:19:11 PM
I assume you've looked at File Window Layout (the File Window introduction) in Help?

Now that I have looked there.. first, none of the prebuilt layouts make the thumb spaces wider than they are tall.
And looking at the customizations, nothing jumped out as being a way to change the ration of tall to wide.

Did you notice something there that would alter the ratio so that the spaces are wider than they are tall?


No, I didn't see anything that would change the display ratios. However, all of the thumb layouts seem to be designed to be able to accommodate either thumbnail maximum height or width (i.e., not just one or the other). That also applies to the Small thumbs view, which has to leave room for the file name. Likewise the Standard layout has to leave room for star ratings etc.

So, yes, I think "that is to allow for the name and all the little icons on the images."

Of course, the real answer to all our problems like this would be more/bigger monitors... ::)


The best you can get is squares, when you select "Thumbs Only". This accommodates landscape and portrait images
"Small Thumbs" uses less space than "Normal".


All file window layouts of course work with square thumbs.
This square is will be filled to the width for landscape images and to the height for portrait images. If your camera shoots square images, it will be filled entirely.

The maximum size you can get is the size in which the thumbs are stored in the database. The default is 300 pixels. This is usually good enough. For a larger view, use the Quick View Panel.

The thumbnail size is set by you when you create the database. You can change it later under Edit > Preferences > Database. The new setting will be used for all files added in the future. To re-create thumbnails for files already in the database, rescan the files with the force update option set.


Quote from: Mario on July 03, 2013, 09:42:38 PM
All file window layouts of course work with square thumbs.
This square is will be filled to the width for landscape images and to the height for portrait images. If your camera shoots square images, it will be filled entirely.

The maximum size you can get is the size in which the thumbs are stored in the database. The default is 300 pixels. This is usually good enough. For a larger view, use the Quick View Panel.

The thumbnail size is set by you when you create the database. You can change it later under Edit > Preferences > Database. The new setting will be used for all files added in the future. To re-create thumbnails for files already in the database, rescan the files with the force update option set.

Hi Mario,

I tried the above on a test folder but it does not work. When i use the zoom option on the file window the frame of the thumbnail become much larger (even bigger than 300 points my resize value for dbms thumbnail) but the image it self remain small at 160px the old setting I had on my old Imatch 3.6 dbms.

Is there something else but the change in the database thumbnail size and a force update to make the thumbnail become bigger?

I just did  test and created a brand new dbms with 300px for m thumbs it works well the zoom function allow me to see bigger thumbnail them I moved to 600px and rescane worked I can see even bigger things so thinking is not working on my upgraded dbms

Well I reopen my converted dbms and now I can see the larger 300px thumbnail. It looks like there is some refresh needed when closing and reopening the dbms. But sadly now I categories on the refreshed thumbs are gone so won't work for me.

Any option to resize most of my dbms thumbs without out loosing data like categories or rating or properties?



QuoteIs there something else but the change in the database thumbnail size and a force update to make the thumbnail become bigger?

1. When you convert a database from IMatch 3 to IMatch 5, IMatch copies the thumbnails. It does not re-process all original files to extract a new thumbnail.

2. If the thumbnail size is smaller than the thumbnail size configured for the new database, you must re-create the thumbnails by rescanning the files with the "Force Update" option set: Select Files, <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<F5>, in the dialog choose Force Rescan.

3. If IMatch cannot produce thumbnails large enough (e.g. only 160 pixel) the problem is usually that there is no WIC codec installed which can handle the RAW format. See the WIC Codec FAQ

QuoteBut sadly now I categories on the refreshed thumbs are gone so won't work for me.

I don't understand what you are saying here? Do you say that after closing and re-opening a database category assignments were lost?
Rescanning files (even with the force update method) does not change category assignments. The only change possible by this are changes to data-driven categories and @Keywords. Rescanning existing files will not remove files from categories.


Hi Mario,

I mean to say that when I did the rescan with force update to recreate larger thumbnails the images did not have the categories attached as before (categories were all gone).

It was late in the evening so maybe I missed a step somewhere in the test or maybe I needed to close the dbms again. I will try again.



What kind of categories do you mean?

Normal categories to which you have assigned files manually? Or data-driven categories, or @Keyword?

Rescanning files already in the database does not change their categories. When you remove files from the database and later add them again, the categories will be missing of course.


Hi Mario,

It is the normal categories.

I just tried again now the rescan and force update a few times but now the thumbnails do not go bigger than what it was before (I think 160pix). I checked the categories and they are maintained (maybe the update did not work at all?). Also I checked again the new dbms IMatch 5 and it is set now at 300pix for thumbnail.

Maybe there is something wrong with my dbms? It took 15 hours to convert. I have about 40,000 photos only. Seems quite a lot of time to me. I had 1 error no warnings. I tried to look up the log file for the converter but failed as it is over 500 MB. I did a diagnostic run before the convert on the IMatch 3 dbms and after on the IMatch 5 dbms. The IMatch 5 version took a long time maybe 10 - 15 minutes no errors. The IMatch 3 was quick and did not find any problem either.

Also the converter found about 240,000 properties seems a lot to me. I just use properties for DateTaken, Comment, Tittle and Description. I would not expect more than 40,000 (my number of photos) as each appears only at most once per image (and many images have no value for the properties yet).

Note also I had a lot of pending XMP update in IMatch 3 which I processed so I can see lots of new XMP files created as a results sadly the ratings / labels for the new JPEG do not come through into IMatch 5. Strangely I can see the ratings for my MOV files and my old CR2 files but not new JPEG (mostly from my Fuji X10) and if I update the ratings in IMatch 5 it does persist it as I can see the little pencil go gray after the write back.

I think there might be a few problems with my dbms?



A log of information for one post.

If the diagnosis runs OK, your DB is OK.
4 properties * 40K files are at least 160,000 properties.

I just tried again now the rescan and force update a few times but now the thumbnails do not go bigger

Only two reasons:

1. There is a problem: run log file in debug mode (Help > Support > Debug Logging) and then attach after a forced rescan of a few files so we can have a look
2. The installed WIC codec is not working. See The WIC Codec FAQ for diagnosis tips and solutions.

Quotesadly the ratings / labels for the new JPEG do not come through into IMatch 5.

Do you say that you have a JPEG file with an embedded XMP record and a rating, and this rating is not displayed in IMatch?

1. Select the file in a file window.
2. Run the ExifTool Command Processor via <F9>,<E>
3. Select the "List Metadata" Preset and run it with F9.
4. Copy/Paste the results into a text file and attach it here.

This shows us the XMP data contained in your JPEG file.


Thanks Mario,

My codecs in IMatch are doing something funny. I have codec error see attach log.

List of installed codecs:
   Codec 'BMP Decoder' for extensions .bmp,.dib,.rle
   Codec 'GIF Decoder' for extensions .gif
   Codec 'ICO Decoder' for extensions .ico,.icon
   Codec 'JPEG Decoder' for extensions .jpeg,.jpe,.jpg,.jfif,.exif
   Codec 'PNG Decoder' for extensions .png
   Codec 'TIFF Decoder' for extensions .tiff,.tif
   Codec 'WMPhoto Decoder' for extensions .wdp,.jxr

Testing file 'C:\Documents and Settings\marc\Pictures\2014-06-11\d018977.JPG'
   Thumbnail: Codec 'JPEG Decoder'
      (GetThumbnail failed (88982F44 Unknown error 0x88982F44).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
   Preview: Codec 'JPEG Decoder'
      (GetPreview failed (88982F81 Unknown error 0x88982F81).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
   Full resolution: Codec 'JPEG Decoder'
      () 4000x3000 pixel in 0 ms.

I did a rescan once again and guess what the rescanned versions are actually visible but only under the dynamic collections and in duplicate. I see 2 thumbanils the old 160pix and the new 300pix.

Then for the new ones I can see the thumbnail is much bigger as expected and can be zoomed in and out accordingly. But the "big" ones are really duplicate they should not be appearing twice. And they dont have categories. It looks like IMatch things they are new files.

Before I migrated to IMatch 5 I did process all my unprocessed XMP actions. There were 1000s since 2012. It created all the sidecarts. I understand the ratings and labels should be stored in there and when IMatch 5 converts my database it should pick these up and some the ratings and labels be visible in IMatch 5. That does not appear to be the case for me.

1000s of pictures do not show the expected labels and ratings after migration. Maybe I need to set some options to tell IMatch to do read the side cart after migration? I looked up the XMP info a per your instructions. The ratings are not in there. I did update then the rating in IMatch and I can now see the new rating see attached file.

Using the method listed below I can see that there is not ratings in the sidecard generated from IMatch 3. See attached files. I opened the file first untouched after import and conversion to IMatch 5. No ratings in the Exif section appears. Then I update rating in IMatch 5 save the change and I can see the rating. All working for IMatch 5. I think my problem is that IMatch 3 did not push the rating into the sidecart file as expected

[attachment deleted by admin]


After update in IMatch 5 xmp rating are visible.

I can't email the log files they are too big apparently. I reached the limit for the forum attachement.

[attachment deleted by admin]


IMatch does not use WIC codecs for JPEG files. The reference JPEG routines in IMatch are faster.

QuoteI did a rescan once again and guess what the rescanned versions are actually visible but only under the dynamic collections and in duplicate. I see 2 thumbanils the old 160pix and the new 300pix.

I don't understand what you say above.

A file cannot be twice in the database. Unless the user adds a folder already in the database, but marked as off-line, again instead of using Relocate.
Do you have off-line folders? Did you add them again from their new location?
Check the file name and path shown in the status bar when you click on a file. Or point the mouse cursor at the Info icon in the thumbnail to see the physical location of the file.


Quote from: marco88 on June 22, 2014, 11:33:46 AM
I can't email the log files they are too big apparently. I reached the limit for the forum attachement.
Log files ZIP very well. 2 MB is quite a lot for a zipped log file.

QuoteAfter update in IMatch 5 xmp rating are visible.

You are confusing me, sorry. You have updated what, where?

Did you change the rating of a file in IMatch?
When you write-back the file, does the rating stick?
What did you do, exactly?


Hi Mario,

What  I am saying is that the problem is between IMatch 3 and IMatch 5. The data is not converted or accepted. Not sure why but the old ratings are not coming through in IMatch 5.

However if I change ratings in IMatch 5 it does save the rating in the EXIF data which I just checked with the instructions you have give me.

I don't know if my picture are or not twice in the database but I see the same picture twice under the rating collections. They are the ones I changes ratings in IMatch 5.

I note in the folder window that the folder I rescanned appears twice. Once at the root of the tree once under pictures directory. Maybe that is a symptom i.e. he things somehow they are 2 different directories and hence difference files.

In fact they are not and I don't use off line drive. It is all on my personal PC.

[attachment deleted by admin]


QuoteWhat  I am saying is that the problem is between IMatch 3 and IMatch 5. The data is not converted or accepted. Not sure why but the old ratings are not coming through in IMatch 5.

This thread started about zooming thumbnails in the file window. Now we are talking about ratings and metadata...???

Did you convert an IMatch 3 database into IMatch 5 using the database converter?
If so, did you process all pending XMP updates in IMatch 3 before running the conversion? In this step IMatch 3 writes the rating to the physical file on disk (or the sidecar file) and only then IMatch 5 can pick it up when importing the metadata.

QuoteHowever if I change ratings in IMatch 5 it does save the rating in the EXIF data which I just checked with the instructions you have give me.
IMatch only works with XMP ratings and writes the rating you give to a file into the XMP record.

QuoteI don't know if my picture are or not twice in the database but I see the same picture twice under the rating collections. They are the ones I changes ratings in IMatch 5.
When you click on a file you can see the physical path of that file in the status bar at the bottom of the IMatch window. Compare the path for the files you think are duplicate. You cannot add the same file twice to an IMatch 5 database-


Hi Mario,

Yes I have noticed 2 problems. I will start a new thread for the ratings issue as it is not connected at all to this zooming thread.

However for the second problem with the resizing of the thumbnails; I check and the same files appear twice since I did the rescan in IMatch 5 once using the absolute windows path the other one using the documents and settings.

It seems the rescan somewhat did not file the image in the same way as IMatch 3 did originally when I added the image for the first time. Note I have only one image and it is in the one same directory. It is just that IMatch 3 and IMatch 5 use different relative path to file the image (absolute and windows document and settings).

See attached images.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well to add to the story now the thumbnail in the file system appear bigger. It drives me nuts.

I have not touched IMatch since the last post. No idea why now it works. Maybe it is extremely slow but definitely makes no sense to me.

Still in the collection I see 2 times the same images (as per example attached to previous post) one with the small original thumbnail one with the new bigger thumbnail again it is the same exact file.

Maybe if I wait another day the collection will work as well ;-)



I think I can confirm there is problem with Windows document & settings paths and IMatch.

In the collection I see the image same image twice.

If I click on one and select go to folder I go to one part of the Media & Folder tree using one path if I click on the other one I end up on another part of the Media & Folder tree.

Both the same image and in the same directory but someone registered once through the document & settings path and once through absolute path see images attached.

The second "instance" of the image came after doing the rescan force update to have the thumbnail bigger.

[attachment deleted by admin]


You have added the image once from "c:\documents and settings\marc\..." and then again from "c:\users\marc\..."

The one path is a physical path, and the other is emulated/simulated by Windows. On the lowest file system level, both point to the same physical folder.
Of course when you add the same file twice, but using different folder names, IMatch allows you to do that. IMatch does not attempt to resolve virtual folders.

Just decide which of the two copies of your folder hierarchy you want to keep and remove the other from the database with the "Remove Folder From Database" command.


Hi Mario

Thanks for the reply but it is not me messing about with the path it is Add or Update Folder of IMatch 5 see the 4 attached images which compare the behavior of the user interface in both version.

In both cases I select a directory under My Pictures where all my images currently reside (used to be on 2 external drives; I did a relocate to move them back under My Pictures together as I bought a new PC with a bigger hard drive).

IMatch 3 keeps the selected documents and settings path but in IMatch 5 the path converts automatically back into the absolute path and IMatch stores that hence my little duplication problem.

That is a little problematic and concerning for me as I have all my images under My Pictures and I worry IMatch 5 is going to fire all ways and mess up every path as I update them.

Is there other tools of IMatch 5 where the use of documents and settings path could become a problem? Should I create a new directory under C:/ and do a relocate of all images to avoid further problems?

Let me know what you think.

Kind regards

[attachment deleted by admin]


While I am trying to test the other problem with the ratings now IMatch 3 also resolve to the absolute path so I am unable to reproduce anymore. There is some sort of condition required but I can't figure what or when. Anyhow I have 10s of directories under documents and settings so the fact that it resolve them to the absolute path are going to cause me real troubles.

Should I try to relocate all my image under a new absolute dir under C: (as oppose the document and settings)?



I don't understand.

Just add each folder only once, either using the physical path or the virtual path. Do not relocate, just remove the duplicate folder from your database.
If you relocate the physical or virtual folder you create two links to the same file. Don't.


Hi Mario,

Please take a look at the pictures I attached before specifically the ones for IMatch 3 as I have reproduced and recorded the issue.

I do not add the folder twice I just rescan using the same path. I always use the Documents and Settings path. But then as per examples attached earlier on IMatch 3 shows the absolute path in the user interface instead of the Document and Settings path which I had selected in the File Browser selection window.

Basically when the File Browser window is closed down after I selected the path I want to rescan and the focus returns to the Add and Update Folder window; the actual path listed switches to the absolute path. It looks like some automated conversation is taking place.

This means I ended up with several folders entered using the absolute path while they should have been entered as relative as I selected Document and Settings. The folders already existing in the dbms under Documents and Settings (as it should be) are then perceived by IMatch as duplicate.

I don't know when it does that and why but I have seen a few duplicated folders in my dbms so it looks like it has been going unnoticed for a while. I can't quite replicate it systematically but you can see with the pictures I attach that I did replicate it at least once.

I am going to remove the folders that are duplicated as per your post and if it looks all clean I will then move all my images to an absolute path because I do not trust that IMatch handles Document and Settings correctly and I am afraid it might again convert it to absolute path and create again duplication problems.

I hope that makes more sense,

Kind regards


IMatch does not convert from virtual folders to physical folders internally or does any other type of mapping. IMatch uses whatever the user drops or selects in the dialog. Behind the curtain Windows does a lot of mumbo jumbo with the special Documents folder, and the library system introduced in W7. Documents and Settings is a "per-user" folder too.