Data-driven category on a subset

Started by axel.hennig, June 25, 2014, 05:31:20 PM

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Is it possible to create a data-driven category not on the whole database but on a (image-) subset. E.g.: Creating a data-driven category on Camera Make/Model but only to images within a special folder or related to a special category or only to bookmarked images.


No. You have 'only' the options available in the data-driven category dialog.
You can of course create a separate category which combines one or more of the data-driven categories with a folder or a another category. This gives you a "filtered" subset of the data-driven categories.


This is of course a possibility, but this can end up in a lot of "handwork" if the data-driven category contains a lot of sub-categories. An idea could be to extend the data-driven category dialog with the "Edit Category Formula" dialog ==> Perhaps I should write a feature request.


Quote from: axel.hennig on June 25, 2014, 05:51:27 PM
Perhaps I should write a feature request.
I have this on my long-term to-do list already. But a feature request allows other users to comment and up-vote.