New IMatch 5 Website ready

Started by Mario, April 23, 2014, 09:11:54 PM

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This is the discussion thread for the new IMatch 5 web site.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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You were to quick  ;)
I corrected it in the mean time.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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at the first glance: Just SUPER
I do love the virtual users and how you demonstrate in short there possible workflow.

Very well done!

Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


Hi Mario. Looks good.  8)

just a quick comment..

Title: IMatch 5 at a Glance
Second bullet: "Developed and supported since 1998. Thousands of in over 60 countries." You're missing somethin' there.. thousands of what?

And something else..


"Claude is a freelance photographer and works multiple press agencies." I don't know.. does one work multiple agencies? or does one work for multiple agencies?

Thanks for all your work!


I think it looks very good Mario.  Add some user testimonials to the site and it would be ready for launch IMO.


Quote from: nacho02 on April 23, 2014, 09:37:18 PM
Hi Mario. Looks good.  8)

just a quick comment..

Title: IMatch 5 at a Glance
Second bullet: "Developed and supported since 1998. Thousands of in over 60 countries." You're missing somethin' there.. thousands of what?

And something else..


"Claude is a freelance photographer and works multiple press agencies." I don't know.. does one work multiple agencies? or does one work for multiple agencies?

Thanks for all your work!

Thanks. Typos fixed.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: JohnZeman on April 23, 2014, 11:23:30 PM
I think it looks very good Mario.  Add some user testimonials to the site and it would be ready for launch IMO.
I'd love to. So far I have once (from Lane). I asked for publishable testimonials a couple of weeks ago in the other thread ("Why would you buy IMatch?") but have not received any comments so far. I need a quote with a name and the explicit agreement to publish it on my web site. Only then I will use the quote.


If you have a quote for me, please post it here.

Something like:

"IMatch 5 is the best invention since sliced bread."
-- Mario M. Westphal (Author of IMatch)

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on April 23, 2014, 11:30:08 PM
Something like:

"IMatch 5 is the best invention since sliced bread."
-- Mario M. Westphal (Author of IMatch)

"You love coffee? IMatch 5 is like a coffee with celestial fragrance from a portafilter coffee machine. Unique, powerfull, and with the proper settings, you will feel the magic world of coffee with IMatch 5."
-- Markus J. Hässig (CEO of Fotoagentur, Switzerland)

well, a try, and my English, my English  :-[ :-[ :-[
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I like the color, design and content too. I like the good balance between simple messages, screenshots and more complicated feature descriptions.
This is a very important point compared to e.g. the DAM PhotoSupreme website at

Licensed users of Idimager v5 received today an offer for PhotoSupreme v2 with 34.99 USD instead of 79.99 USD. That is nearly nothing for a good DAM. However the website information about PhotoSupreme does not convince me and does not look trustable. The mix with tools like PimpMyPicture does put a bad light on everything there. For me the website does not look serious at all even if the product is. Therefor I hesitate to test again the 30-day version of PS v2 and I think, that every minute I spend for IMatch is better than any second for PhotoSupreme, isn't it?

So the continuous challenge with IMatch promotion will be: "Not frightening the first-time-DAM-users and not discouraging the DAM experts".
The individual pages with customized screenshots for the typical usage of the users Mike, Susan, Claude, Paz, Paul and Emma are a very good idea.

A certain improvement could be a responsive webpage design.
Ok, that is a challenge and should not be the highest priority.

Regards, Martin

P.S.: Today is the 156th birthday of Max Planck. Does fit well to my avatar image with E=hv.
| IMatch v5.5.8 + Win7proN64bit | Lumix, Pentax |
| ExifTool, ImageMagick, GeoSetter | JPhotoTagger, MusicBee | CaptureOne, LightRoom | jAlbum, WingsPlatinum, Mobjects |


Quote from: Mario on April 23, 2014, 11:30:08 PM
If you have a quote for me, please post it here.

"I have about 200,000 photos taken by my wife and I in 60 countries over the last 50 years; literally a lifetime of memories.  We use IMatch to categorize and retrieve those photos/memories quickly and easily.  We would be lost without it."
--- Ted Cash (Retired).
Enjoying life one day at a time.


From a fast look I was very impressed but I did spot some things that I question.

QuoteBatch Processing for Printing and Presentation on the Web Emma sometimes uses an image editing application for cropping and retouching files. Just easy stuff, nothing too complicated. But what the uses often is the built-in Batch Processor in IMatch.
But what she uses often is the built-in Batch Processor in IMatch. ????

QuoteIMatch is a Digital Asset Management system (DAM). It solves the problem of managing large collections of digital files by making them searchable and accessible. IMatch provides tools for finding, viewing, organizing, and converting collections of images and other digital documents.

I find the words "images and other digital documents" to be rather limited. For example: I do not consider music to be a document but I can organize music in IMatch. Maybe: images and other digital files.


Quote from: Mario on April 23, 2014, 11:30:08 PM
Quote from: JohnZeman on April 23, 2014, 11:23:30 PM
I think it looks very good Mario.  Add some user testimonials to the site and it would be ready for launch IMO.
I'd love to. So far I have once (from Lance). I asked for publishable testimonials a couple of weeks ago in the other thread ("Why would you buy IMatch?") but have not received any comments so far. I need a quote with a name and the explicit agreement to publish it on my web site. Only then I will use the quote.


If you have a quote for me, please post it here.

Something like:

"IMatch 5 is the best invention since sliced bread."
-- Mario M. Westphal (Author of IMatch)


Many thanks to Lane for showing the rest of us how a testimonial should be written out.  ;D

Mario many of us have responded in your "Why will/would you buy IMatch 5?" thread asking for testimonials but obviously the rest of us didn't respond in the format you need us to.  :o

I'll do some thinking and will hopefully add something you can use to that thread over the weekend.


QuoteMike can also display overlays for histograms, a camera dashboard and many other information displays as needed.
QuoteHe switches on the collection, histogram and camera dashboard overlays to see the info he needs in this phase.
IMO, those two quotes say almost the same thing and are redundant.


User type: Mike

QuoteThis is a freely configurable panel can display any combination of the over 12,000 metadata fields IMatch supports.

Maybe: This is a freely configurable panel that can display any combination of the over 12,000 metadata fields IMatch supports.

Or: This freely configurable panel can display any combination of the over 12,000 metadata fields IMatch supports.


User type: Mike

QuoteFavorite Keywords anda dynamic list of the 50 most often used keywords.
Favorite Keywords and a dynamic list of the 50 most often used keywords.


User type: Mike
he opens the files from IMatch directly in Lightroom, Photoshop or his video editing software.
It implies that Lightroom and Photoshop the only editors he can use for images.


User type: Mike

QuoteWhen Paul saves a file in LR or Photoshop,

Should be: When Mike saves a file in LR or Photoshop,


User type: Mike

If we wants to upload the files to a social network or his web site,

If he wants to upload the files to a social network or his web site


User type: Mike

Quoteby using the timeline to see all photos taken at this day

"At this day" Maybe: On this day


The IMatch 5 website is good-looking and VERY impressive. 

I particularly like the examples of various typical users, but noticed some minor grammatical or spelling errors -- perhaps just typographical mistakes -- that crop up there.   Although I haven't finished going through ALL of the text, this paragraph under User SUSAN, jumped out at me:

"Since Susan and her team still work out the best ways manage their large collection, they often change their category layout bymoving, renaming, adding and removing categories. Since IMatch performs all these operations inside it's database, it's very easy and quick to reorganize their organizational structure. They can move thousands of files . . . "

The errors here are quite minor, but real:
1. "best ways manage their large collection..."  --> "best ways to manage their large collection..."
2. "bymoving" clearly needs a space separating the words "by" and "moving"
3. In the second sentence, you use the possessive pronoun "it's" which should be spelled without the apostrophe: "... its database..."
The same sentence then correctly uses the form "it's" which is ALWAYS a contraction meaning "it is."   

Mario, do you want to have such typos and minor errors in English usage pointed out?  Or am I (with my background as an English major, published author, and former University professor) being too picky here?  My nitpicking is intended only to strengthen this already powerful website, as will the suggested corrections posted by Richard and others . . .

— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


And I REALLY like the top panel of the site, with a sharp picture and a short phrase that expresses the entire purpose of the software in just three words:
"Organize Your Stuff."    That sums it all up! 
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA



You've already addressed prior comments. Other corrections:

"Since 1998 develops software ..." --> ""Since 1998 has developed software..."

Minor: Decide how to handle capitalization consistency in headers. E.g., "Why do You need it?" and "IMatch 5 at a Glance": other headers only contain initial caps (except for proper names, e.g., IMatch).

Paul: "Paul is specializing in food photography..." --> "Paul specializes in food photography..."

Emma: "Emma currently moves the family photo collection...." --> "Emma is currently moving the family photo collection..."

IMatch at a glance:
"Developed and supported since 1998." --> Technically, IMatch 3 has been around since 1998, but IMatch 5 hasn't....
"Databases can be shared between multiple users." --> "Databases can be shared among multiple users."

Otherwise, looks very good!



Quote from: Photon on April 23, 2014, 11:55:58 PM
A certain improvement could be a responsive webpage design.
95% o all visitors of my web site use a PC or similar device with a screen resolution of 1280 or higher. Since IMatch is no application you would typically run on a phablet or smart phone, a true responsive design is not all that important. I'm no on-line shop trying to sell on every device  ;) The site looks pretty well on mobile devices and I think that's OK for now. If the need arises, I will switch the site to one of the responsive WordPress templates, no problem.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Richard on April 24, 2014, 12:46:45 AM
I find the words "images and other digital documents" to be rather limited. For example: I do not consider music to be a document but I can organize music in IMatch. Maybe: images and other digital files.
I changed that to

IMatch is a Digital Asset Management system (DAM). It solves the problem of managing large collections of digital files by making them searchable and accessible. IMatch provides tools for finding, viewing, presenting, organizing and converting images and other digital files.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: JohnZeman on April 24, 2014, 12:59:39 AM
Mario many of us have responded in your "Why will/would you buy IMatch 5?" thread asking for testimonials but obviously the rest of us didn't respond in the format you need us to.  :o
I'll do some thinking and will hopefully add something you can use to that thread over the weekend.

Thanks for considering it. A publishable quote is what I need. If somebody says something cool about IMatch in a community posting does not mean that he/she allows me to publish it. I will not just rip quotes out of context and plug them to my web site, with the name of the poster. That's not right, and probably not legal. If somebody tells me: "You can quote me with this ..." that's what I'm after  :)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: BanjoTom on April 24, 2014, 02:38:03 AM
Mario, do you want to have such typos and minor errors in English usage pointed out?  Or am I (with my background as an English major, published author, and former University professor) being too picky here?  My nitpicking is intended only to strengthen this already powerful website, as will the suggested corrections posted by Richard and others . . .
Absolutely! I'm grateful for feedback of that kind (also thanks to users who point out problems, omissions or typos in the help).

English is only one of my secondary languages, and I a) write most of the stuff during nights and b) German syntax sometimes creeps in. And c) there is a saying: "You never see your own typos. You always read what you intended to write, not what you have written.".

I'm already updating the web site to incorporate Richard's and your feedback and the other corrections and suggestions made here. This is a lot of text that I had to type and come up with, and corrections and suggestions are welcome. That's why I run this "web site Beta test"  :)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I would like to see my user type as enthusiastic hobby-photographer - but maybe Emma is right for me...

Correction for Emma:
"Files and Folders/She creates a new folder on here disk" -> "on her disk"


Quote from: meyersoft on April 24, 2014, 09:12:46 AM
I would like to see my user type as enthusiastic hobby-photographer - but maybe Emma is right for me...

I think that many users are actually a mix of several of the prototype users. "enthusiastic hobby-photographer" these days often have the same or even better gear that professionals - and sometimes even more complex workflows. A bit of Mike, a bit of Paul and some Emma thrown in and you're set  ;)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I like it, Mario, and think that this could be a real puller.  At the penalty of over egging and extra work for you, how about a example of Joe Blogs?  He has a lot of holiday snaps, follows the odd hobby (like train spotting, stamp collecting, whatever), has a large music collection.

One or two nit-picks:

In "IMatch 5 at a Glance",  "images and other digital files";   I would insert "music" to make it "images, music and other digital files".  I think that there is probably a large potential market with music lovers.

I do not know what "scalable" means.  It looks a bit if a buzz word to me.

"Thousands of users in over 60 countries." - I hope that this will be true, but is it a fact at this time?

"Since Susan and her team still work out out the best ways"  -  better English to say are still working out .

In Susan's conclusion: " If you have read this far, you should have now a good idea ".  Better English usage to say should now have .

In Paz's conclusion:  "IMatch plays a very important role in Paz's daily workflow. It manages all their files and allows them to find each file within seconds. They ...." .   "Paz" is singular, but you have followed this in the next sentence with the plural "their" & "they" .  These should be replaced with "her" & "she", or give the first sentence a plural object, e.g. "daily workflow of Paz & her team" .


A nit - ....  tools for finding, viewing, presenting, organizing and converting .... shown right at the top of the site. I'd move organizing to the front of the list as that's what makes all of the rest feasible.

I added a testimonial at the "" thread.


Another thought -

I believe that one of the largest potential customer pools is users of Lightroom. If a clear and succinct statement could be added that answers "How would I, a LR user with its organizational features, benefit from using IM?" you'd probably get more that just a few added sells. Without that explicit addressal, most will scan the site and think - Sounds a lot like LR - because they are DB users, not experts, and the IM pitch will sound much like any other DB (or photo organizer). Differentiation needed....


Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 01:13:35 PM
I do not know what "scalable" means.  It looks a bit if a buzz word to me.
Scalable means that IMatch can handle also very large libraries. That's a common "IT" word and important for some user groups. Since I know that competing products do not scale well (e.g. start acting erratically and sluggish once you exceed 50,000 files in a 'catalog') I thought I mention it.

Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 01:13:35 PM
"Thousands of users in over 60 countries." - I hope that this will be true, but is it a fact at this time?
That's the count. There are very small countries, e.g. Lichtenstein...  ;D
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: jeknepley on April 24, 2014, 01:50:36 PM
A nit - ....  tools for finding, viewing, presenting, organizing and converting .... shown right at the top of the site. I'd move organizing to the front of the list as that's what makes all of the rest feasible.

What about:

"IMatch is a Digital Asset Management system (DAM). It solves the problem of managing large collections of digital files by making them searchable and accessible. IMatch provides tools for organizing, finding, processing, viewing, presenting and converting images, music, videos and other digital files."
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: jeknepley on April 24, 2014, 02:06:09 PM
I believe that one of the largest potential customer pools is users of Lightroom. If a clear and succinct statement could be added that answers "How would I, a LR user with its organizational features, benefit from using IM?" you'd probably get more that just a few added sells. Without that explicit addressal, most will scan the site and think - Sounds a lot like LR - because they are DB users, not experts, and the IM pitch will sound much like any other DB (or photo organizer). Differentiation needed....

All the RAW processors lack in the DAM department. Naturally it depends on whether you know what you are missing or if that what is offered is sufficient. I have this paragraph under the "Why do you need it" heading:

IMatch is an ideal companion for typical RAW processing applications, which usually have only limited organization capabilities. IMatch also complements image and video editors, audio software, office applications, media players, databases, back-office systems...

I would not go as far as to do an explicit enumeration of what's missing in LR, and the well-known "check lists" often seen on US sites are legally problematic here in Germany (you can be sued if one of the X's you make is wrong or the competitor just thinks it is). I could add a bit more text (one or two lines max) so I'm open to suggestions...

@Lightroom users: Why do you use IMatch in addition to LR? I do, and I know why. But why do you? I mean LR has keywords and shows metadata too.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on April 24, 2014, 06:03:13 PM
Quote from: jeknepley on April 24, 2014, 02:06:09 PM

@Lightroom users: Why do you use IMatch in addition to LR? I do, and I know why. But why do you? I mean LR has keywords and shows metadata too.
I am also a LR user. But it its too slow to use it as an DAM. At least on my computer (IMAC)


Quote@Lightroom users: Why do you use IMatch in addition to LR?
Not all of my images go through LR, but all images need to be managed somehow and the capabilities of LR are quite limited...
I have never used LR for editing or adding metadata (only rating and labeling is sometimes done within LR)


Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)


Quote from: Mario on April 24, 2014, 06:03:13 PM
@Lightroom users: Why do you use IMatch in addition to LR? I do, and I know why. But why do you? I mean LR has keywords and shows metadata too.

Does LR handle non images files?  I do not think so.

IM is more versatile, is scriptable, more user friendly, less resource hungry.


Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 08:00:04 PM
Does LR handle non images files?  I do not think so.

Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 08:00:04 PM
IM is more versatile

Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 08:00:04 PM
is scriptable
LR can be scripted using a programming language called "Lua".

Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 08:00:04 PM
more user friendly

Quote from: DigPeter on April 24, 2014, 08:00:04 PM
less resource hungry.
I sometimes wonder if Adobe has shares in or a deal with the big RAM factories. People using LR or Photoshop (or Nikon Capture, RIP) install amounts of memory in their systems which usually is sufficient to run database servers or web servers serving thousands of users. One instance of Photoshop with a few RAW files loaded on a multi-layer PSD file, and gigabytes of RAM melt like the last snow in spring...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on April 24, 2014, 05:48:03 PM
Quote from: jeknepley on April 24, 2014, 01:50:36 PM
A nit - ....  tools for finding, viewing, presenting, organizing and converting .... shown right at the top of the site. I'd move organizing to the front of the list as that's what makes all of the rest feasible.

What about:

"IMatch is a Digital Asset Management system (DAM). It solves the problem of managing large collections of digital files by making them searchable and accessible. IMatch provides tools for organizing, finding, processing, viewing, presenting and converting images, music, videos and other digital files."



Quote from: picolo on April 24, 2014, 07:02:52 PM
Quote@Lightroom users: Why do you use IMatch in addition to LR?
Not all of my images go through LR, but all images need to be managed somehow and the capabilities of LR are quite limited...
I have never used LR for editing or adding metadata (only rating and labeling is sometimes done within LR)


Mario, not to pick on this poster but the phrase "....capabilities of LR are quite limited...." gets at some of what I mean. Michael knows that LR is limited, but the typical LR user probably doesn't AND without knowing what IM can do (that many users need and LR doesn't provide) there's no reason to switch. I'm not a lawyer and have no idea what you're up against in that arena but couldn't you list under the heading "Can your image organizer do this?" (without naming any particular program) and illustrate several important IM features that that are mostly or totally unique to IM (at least as compared to Adobe products)? These features should those that almost any photographer would love to have. Mike Chaney (QImage) used to have (maybe still does) a downloadable test image with instructions on how to compare its print output with those of Photoshop. Offer several small data bases with tests (questions to answer) on both IM5 and the organizer of their choice. Letting prospective customers decide (once you tell them the right questions to ask) would be within the law I'd hope.


Quote from: jeknepley on April 24, 2014, 10:51:08 PM
(...) Michael knows that LR is limited, but the typical LR user probably doesn't AND without knowing what IM can do (that many users need and LR doesn't provide) there's no reason to switch. I'm not a lawyer and have no idea what you're up against in that arena but couldn't you list under the heading "Can your image organizer do this?" (without naming any particular program) and illustrate several important IM features that that are mostly or totally unique to IM (at least as compared to Adobe products)? These features should those that almost any photographer would love to have. Mike Chaney (QImage) used to have (maybe still does) a downloadable test image with instructions on how to compare its print output with those of Photoshop. Offer several small data bases with tests (questions to answer) on both IM5 and the organizer of their choice. Letting prospective customers decide (once you tell them the right questions to ask) would be within the law I'd hope.

Maybe it's better to let the user come to that conclusion himself/herself. If a potential IMatch user does not recognize what LR (or another RAW converter) is lacking in the DAM department after browsing the IMatch 5 site, and especially the How other users use IMatch sections, there is a good chance that he/she does not need more DAM than included in LR or other RAW processors.

Of course the web site is in flux as everything else IMatch 5. I will soon send out information to journalists and bloggers (I've just completed the IMatch5 Reviewer's Guide). This, and what early bird users write in the blogspehere will help me to fine-tune the IMatch web site. Currently it's all guesswork and fog...  ;)  But I'm sure we'll see "How I use IMatch with <name of RAW processor>" blog posts soon after IMatch 5 is out. And then I can link to them, mention them on my web site, Facebook and Twitter. Or incorporate the direct feedback in other ways.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on April 24, 2014, 11:20:45 PM
Of course the web site is in flux as everything else IMatch 5. I will soon send out information to journalists and bloggers (I've just completed the IMatch5 Reviewer's Guide). This, and what early bird users write in the blogspehere will help me to fine-tune the IMatch web site. Currently it's all guesswork and fog...  ;)  But I'm sure we'll see "How I use IMatch with <name of RAW processor>" blog posts soon after IMatch 5 is out. And then I can link to them, mention them on my web site, Facebook and Twitter. Or incorporate the direct feedback in other ways.

I've already written several IM related posts on my blog that end with "Can your image organizer do that?" Maybe in future posts I'll also ask - if you use LR, can you do this? I use LR, but almost exclusively as a RAW converter and so am not qualified to speak for LR as a DB.


Very minor point: watch for double-spaces between sentences. The only one I noticed is in the text for Claude: " efficient workflow is very important for him.  IMatch has many...".

It's looking good!


Quote from: jch2103 on April 25, 2014, 12:49:04 AM
Very minor point: watch for double-spaces between sentences. The only one I noticed is in the text for Claude: " efficient workflow is very important for him.  IMatch has many...".
It's looking good!
Very minor point fixed (removed the extra blanks on both landing page and the Claude detail page).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


That's the count. There are very small countries, e.g. Lichtenstein...  ;D
Nitpicking: you probably mean Liechtenstein :-)


Some thoughts (sorry, a bit late) about content and structure of the introduction on this page:

  • The first part "Since 1998 ..." is not a good starter, as this page is about your new product. I believe that this would better fit on the "Home" or "About ..." page or at least more towards the end of this page

  • The next part "Organize images ..." is too much of an eye-catcher (at least for my personal taste), which does not fit well in the professional look & feel of your website. Especially "your way" is too blatant.
How about starting this page with the second part as follows, but in less intrusive manner (with a smaller font):

IMatch 5: Organize images and other digital files your way.
[blank line]
Start quick and simple but have unlimited possibilities later. IMatch is reliable, scalable, affordable, fast, independent, works with all your other applications, is based on Open Standards and does not lock you in.


I think the individual workflows are an excellent idea. When I have told folks about IMatch, I always relate to their potential workflow.

Found one typo under "Susan" --> "...answer questions like:..." --> "on" should be "one or more persons"

A suggestion. 
At the end of the "Susan" or other workflows, I think it would be better to have the tool tip for each icon read "See how Emma, the amateur photographer, uses IMatch".  The intent here is to make it very easy to drive the prospective customer to the workflow that most closely matches their potential usage of the program.

"I am an amateur photographer and genealogist. My image collection was about 25,000 images when I started with IMatch many years ago and has grown to about 55,000 images today. I know in my mind that I have an image somewhere that just suits the purpose for one of my many collages, one of my entries into my genealogy database or perhaps, a request from my wife for a print of a certain image taken many years ago. Before IMatch, it could take me many hours to find that image.

I started by cataloging all new digital images while digitizing and cataloging my existing negatives and old prints. After many years, I can find "that image" with just a few clicks in a very short time. I could not have done this without adopting DAM principles and the IMatch software with the availability of the hierarchical its cataloging features. I have grown with IMatch and am looking forward to working with the many very powerful features in version 5."

David Hankinson

Mario, you have my permission to use my quote if you like.


Quote from: tvi55 on April 25, 2014, 10:53:45 AM
Some thoughts (sorry, a bit late) about content and structure of the introduction on this page:
The first part "Since 1998 ..." is not a good starter, as this page is about your new product. I believe that this would better fit on the "Home" or "About ..." page or at least more towards the end of this page
That's a 'landing' page. Blogs and papers will very often link their users directly to the product page, not the home page. The idea of this first sentence is to build trust by explaining that is around for quite some time.

Quote from: tvi55 on April 25, 2014, 10:53:45 AM
The next part "Organize images ..." is too much of an eye-catcher (at least for my personal taste), which does not fit well in the professional look & feel of your website. Especially "your way" is too blatant.

Statistics show that when somebody visits your web site, you have five (5) seconds to catch his attention. Or she leaves. It's therefore very important to get the USP (unique selling proposition) clear, easy to find and 'placative'. I've thought about the wording and formatting of this first two paragraphs for several weeks and I guess that they will do their job.

The enlarged "your way", like the "does not lock you in" are directly targeted as an argument against other DAMs, which import all your files into some proprietary database and thus lock them away. Or which enforce a certain folder layout you have to use. These statements work for users without any DAM knowledge, and also for users which have a DAM or have been "burned" by another DAM revoked from the market.

Since it obviously did not work for you I will give it another think. When the side is live, click through rates, conversion rates and other statistics will help me to tell whether it works or not based on hard facts.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: oldhank on April 25, 2014, 02:04:42 PM
A suggestion. 
At the end of the "Susan" or other workflows, I think it would be better to have the tool tip for each icon read "See how Emma, the amateur photographer, uses IMatch".  The intent here is to make it very easy to drive the prospective customer to the workflow that most closely matches their potential usage of the program.
Thanks for the reporting typo (fixed already) and the quote.

Regarding your tooltip suggestion:

A user hits the landing page (with the table showing all users) and then he either picks the one he considers the best match or (less often, I guess) he starts with Mike because he's first. After reading or just scanning the selected user story, the visitor sees the icons for the other users. I think (I might be wrong) that it's better to keep things a bit more adventurous ("See how Mike is using IMatch") to actually make him click the icon to see what Mike is doing, or Emma. The visitor gets directions on the landing page by the short texts in the user table, but later he should browse, and click through the other users at his leisure. Each user story might highlight a feature he has been looking for, or explain a solution for a problem he has. Basically every visitor should browse all users, optimally starting with the user that matches his personal requirements best. At least that was my idea by setting up things that way.

Of course it's all a bit of guesswork, frankly. The comments here and the emails I get help me a lot. You cannot make it right for all visitors, obviously. It should be just "informative, easy to navigate and helpful for the majority of visitors. The only target is to make them download and install IMatch 5 - well, and to buy it  ::)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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