How to see image lockation on the map?

Started by kirk, May 02, 2014, 03:55:56 PM

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I  expected something like selecting an image thumbnail and immediately seeing it on the map but I  don't.   While the images do have its geo  gps coordinates


If you files have valid GPS coordinates, they will show on the map.
Show us the GPS coordinates of one of your files => Metadata Panel in Default layout, scroll down until you see the GPS data. Screen shot. Attach to your reply.


I see only "Updating..." word in that panel.  Constantly.   Just downloaded the last beta and it's all the same.     

The photos show its location with  Windows 8  Photo location aps   just fine


When IMatch shows this it is either still ingesting files and metadata or it is writing out data.
Did you just add the files to the database? What does the Info & Activity Panel show you? Is IMatch still busy reading the data?

Where is the log file?

Please see How to report bugs for information about what to include in a bug report. From your info I can not guess at anything, sorry.


Just noticed that in a new v5 database everything is ok .  That "Updating..." is only what I see in my main huge base that I converted from V3.   No signs of any activity anywhere although I am not sure where that " activity" panel is. At least I don't see any red progress bar in the right bottom corner.      And I didn't add anything to the base so Imatch doesn't need to do something. It is my old photos that I need to see location for.       One weird thing is that all the thumbnails are somehow darker than the photos should be.   

   Where can I find the log file to send you?

ps.  Just started updating that folder manually. Imatch told me it's already doing one updating process but I started it nevertheless.  And now everything looks like returning to normal state. I still see blue bar progressing but many thumbnails are shown on the map now.


I included the link to information on how to report bugs in my last reply. See above or here is it again:

How to report bugs

This includes information about the log file. If you just open the IMatch help and type in log file you will be immediately directed to the information the IMatch help has on the log file. The "must read for all Beta testers" (Beta Tester Guide, right at the top of the IMatch help welcome screen) also directs you to information about the log file and how to report bugs and issues.

The Info & Activity Panel in IMatch shows you if IMatch is still ingesting files. And if it is still ingest files, no GPS data will be available.

Without a log file and a screen shot of the GPS coordinates IMatch shows you in the Metadata Panel I will be unable to guess at potential reasons for the problem you are having.


Looks like mo more any problem. So I am not sure if it was a bug or a kind of normal behavior.  Only weird thing is that original "updating" shown no any progress bar anywhere  and lasted forever.  After I did manual folder rescan  from right click menu  it turned to be just fine.    I never rescan folders of that 12 gb converted base and never changed anything in those image folders so I thought I don't need to rescan them.