Opening image from Viewer in external editor

Started by Sorted, July 04, 2013, 07:27:43 AM

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I am accustomed to being able to open images directly from a viewer (e.g., Faststone and other browsers) in an external program; in this case to open with Nikon Capture. It would be much handier than returning to the thumnails. Much appreciated if implemented.




Clarification for new readers:

For now you can press <Ctrl>+<G> to switch from the viewer to the file window, and then press <Ctrl>+<Enter> to open the application.

(There is a glitch in build 5.0.110 which causes the file window to lose focus after switching from the viewer which prevents Ctrl+Enter to work unless you click on a file. This has been fixed for build 5.0.112)
