Execute favorite shortcut

Started by twe, July 05, 2013, 12:20:47 AM

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In the top menu, the item "Execute Favorite Shortcut F3" is found under 3 different menues, under Edit, Commands and Tools.  What is the differenses or reason for this ?

Most commands already have keyboardshortcuts, and for assigning categories it looks a bit unpractical, because it dissapears after each use and you have to press f3 every time, and then remember your chosen shortcuts. Any good examples of when to use this feature ?


Different users look for the command in different menus. No harm to present it where users expect it.

Assigning keyboard shortcuts to category Favorites is possible because it is supported for all kinds of Favorites. If it makes sense for you depends on how you use that feature. I think that assigning keyboard shortcuts to category Favorites which represent multiple categories (splashers) can make sense - it allows you to assign/un-assign files to a large number of categories with one keyboard shortcut. For individual categories, you are usually much faster by using the Category Panel or the category view.