Pause the recalculation of categories and collections

Started by KimAbel, May 12, 2014, 09:35:32 PM

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It would be nice with a pause button in the categories and collection view. That way one can work on a selection without experiencing that the focused image shifts each time the category tree or the collection recalculates (the window flickers).

The feature request is related to another I have, but perhaps this is a little easier to implement.

I can see from earlier discussions on this "flickering window" that a pause button can be difficult to implement, but if you got the time at a later point to check it out that would be very nice.

Kim Abel


I thought that maybe a "HOLD SCREEN UPDATES" button would be workable.
One would need some indication to pop up when the screen isn't up-to-date any longer.


I do not know, how this could be solved, but it would be nice, one day have a good solution for this, because I had also some "problems" with this... well, problems... in fact this means simply I had to wait  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)