Searching db for file names

Started by George, May 28, 2014, 06:52:49 PM

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This is not urgent ..I rarely need to search for file names. but what what I want to do is to search my db for all instances of files containing "Alex", but I ran into difficulties, and would appreciate guidance from forum members. ( I now know these images are in a sub folder \........\2014\Assess\Month 03\Assess 01)

Since I was fairly sure these were added in 2014 I clicked on that folder (2014), opened the search filter panel and entered 'contains Alex', and activated the filter. Nothing came up (see pic 'search 01')
I started to work my way down the sub-folders to 2014/Month 03 ..nothing came up (see pic 'search 02')
I eventually came across the pics in the sub-folder 2014/Month 03/Assess 01 (see pic 'search 03') where the search filter worked.

It appears that in the Media & folders view file name search only works at the lowest level of sub folders, using this method.

I switched to 'timeline view' and the filter found the pics under 2014 (see pic 'search 04)

..And just to mention that I have read the help file and cannot see what I am doing incorrectly - and I know that the answer will be right there and I am missing it. I simply want to search the entire db (not just 1914) for all file names that contain "Alex". A pointer as to how to do that will be much appreciated.

Any assistance greatly appreciated - Thanks George

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Searching, filtering etc. works on whatever is displayed in the file window.
When the file window is empty the search will find nothing.
You have to enable the display of hierarchy, the safest bet may be to select "all levels", it depends on where you start in the folder hierarchy.
See attached modification of your first screenshot for the magic button  ;)

When you want to search the entire database you better go to M&F view and select the database node.
Alternatively select the @All category in the Category view.

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You filter in / search in what you see in the file window. If you select a folder which is empty, IMatch will not find anything.
In your case, you probably want to switch the file window into hierarchical mode so it displays some or all of the child folders of the folder selected.

Since you seem to be new to IMatch, I encourage you to read the corresponding help sections to make yourself acquainted with the file window and how the search bar and filters work.  Search for Scope, for a start.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: herman on May 28, 2014, 07:08:53 PM
When the file window is empty the search will find nothing.......
See attached modification of your first screenshot for the magic button  ;)

Herman - many thanks!!!! These were the 2 missing links ::)

I cannot remember the last time I had to locate a file by its 'file name' (and never with IM5) When I clicked on the 2014 folder,  I did not expect to see any files (they are all in the sub folders) - and assumed (wrongly) that I was changing the scope. Once I  informed IM5 how deeply (scope) within the sub-folders to look with the 'magic' button, and made the files 'visible' - everything worked just fine.

I have now found all my missing 'Alex' files  :D

Many thanks again - George  :D


Quote from: Mario on May 28, 2014, 09:27:58 PM
Since you seem to be new to IMatch.....

No...but I can see why you would think that... ::)

Quoteread the corresponding help sections to make yourself acquainted with the file window

....and I can see why you would recommend that too..... ;D

I did read, and re-read the help file (and the quick start guide) - and I read the sections on searching, scope, search scope, what's your scope, file window..and more. Perhaps I missed it (although I have just re-checked the help files again) - but nowhere in these sections can I find a description of the role of Herman's 'magic' button, in defining what IM 'sees'.

I agree that the help file does make a very clear statement that the file window must 'show' the files you want to filter or search. My error was to assume standard windows logic and 'assume' that IM was 'seeing' the sub-folders inside the selected folder - '2014'. The IM file window listed the correct folder in it's title bar - but of course was not showing the files in the sub-folders. I can see my error - and IMs logic.

I usually work within the folder  that's in focus - I very rarely need to search for file names (and never using IM5) - and IM5's extensive tagging and cataloging facilities have always found the files I need - so this was a departure into an area of IM that was new for me.

I do feel that the help file info about the role of Herman's 'magic' button was unclear. In this instance it's role was critical to the search function working. Perhaps additional info should be added/linked into the help files under file window/scope/searching topics - so that its important role of bringing files into focus is more clearly stated?

Again, my thanks for all the assistance given - it is much appreciated - George


QuoteI do feel that the help file info about the role of Herman's 'magic' button was unclear.

At the end of each help topic is a link for reporting things like this. If anyone does not feel that enough details have been provided, they should let Mario know via this link.


Quote from: George on May 29, 2014, 03:08:45 AM
I do feel that the help file info about the role of Herman's 'magic' button was unclear. In this instance it's role was critical to the search function working. Perhaps additional info should be added/linked into the help files under file window/scope/searching topics - so that its important role of bringing files into focus is more clearly stated?

Since you did not explain where you looked for the info, I cannot comment.

For example, when I read the help on the search bar, it starts with a blue box explaining:

The search bar searches the current scope - the files you see in the file window.

This section links to the filter panel help topic, which starts with the explanation of what the scope is. I don't want to repeat the same information in different sections of the help so I usually just insert a link to it. In this case, the link is in the blue box. I sometimes just assume that the general principles of IMatch (like the File Window and it's options) are known to the user when he uses advanced features like the search bar.

If you searched elsewhere, or your find the info in the blue box insufficient or have other comments on the help, please use the link available at the bottom of each help topic to provide feedback. This gives me information about the help page you mean (there are hundreds) and also what you would like to see improved. This is the best way to improve the help file.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on May 29, 2014, 07:52:48 AM
.......For example, when I read the help on the search bar, it starts with a blue box explaining:

The search bar searches the current scope - the files you see in the file window.

Yes..I understand my error..(I won't repeat what I said above in relation to that) and I understand the cross-linking to avoid repetition in the help file. (....and I understand how that works too)

It was not until herman pointed out the relevant button that I understood how to adjust the 'scope' to allow IM to see inside the folders (I was not expecting IM to show me the files because they were within the sub-folders (yes..I know that was an incorrect assumption)) For me the 'button' was the missing link.

I attach a pic of the info in the help file about the search will see that the critical 'button' is not shown in relation to the search bar - neither is info linked. The same is true under scope or file window or filter panel. Its role and function are not linked (as far as I can see) to any of these these areas.

QuoteThis section links to the filter panel help topic, which starts with the explanation of what the scope is. ......

...and again no references or links to 'the button' and its role for adjusting the 'depth' of the scope.

QuoteI sometimes just assume that the general principles of IMatch (like the File Window and it's options) are known to the user when he uses advanced features like the search bar.

...yes indeed - and now that I have done it I understand  the logic and functionality...and I appreciate the help given.  Perhaps dealing with my misunderstanding here is to be viewed as 'a practice session' for the support questions that will come along when IM5 goes live next week  8)

Good luck with the launch  :) and many thanks again - George

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Feedback for help pages please only via the link provided at the bottom of each help page.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Is this correct functioning of IMatch?  If I use, for example, the metadata filter in the filter panel, then each time I click on a given category or folder, it will be as if IMatch reloads the original contents of that folder or category and then filters the contents to reflect what's left.  On the other hand, If I say, for example, go to a folder or category whose contents have nothing conforming to match the word "moonlight", and enter "moonlight" nothing will be displayed and this is correct!  How about, however, I first search for "moonlight", but nothing comes up, because no files match the specification, but if I then switch to the @all category with the search bar filter active nothing will be displayed unless I first kill the filter, and then enter the same search all over search again into the search bar filter.  Is this normal?