Incorrect use of apostrophe

Started by clpratt, June 01, 2014, 03:35:54 PM

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looking at the excellent "IMatch 5 Organise Your Stuff" promotional pages, Susan (  )
quote "IMatch is installed on multiple PC's" is incorrect grammar.
The use of an apostrophe  ' when an object is plural is incorrect although increasingly seen unfortunately,
so the above text should be  ""IMatch is installed on multiple PCs"
The ' is only intended for "belonging to" i.e. the PC's memory is 4GB.




oops, somehow the remainder of the post got lost.
I was going to say, on the page demonstrating Susan's use of IMatch , in the section
Multi-User Access is the sentence containing "IMatch is installed on multiple PC's"
This is an incorrect use of the apostrophe.
's means "of this" or belonging to" e.g. the PC's memory is 4GB, but ' shouldn't be used for plural items (although unfortunately it is being increasingly used as such).
Your intended plural of PC should be PCs.




reading Paul's use of IMatch, ,
under the heading "File Window" it says "Paul also includes an running index number". There should be "a" instead of "an".

Further down under heading "Other Uses for Metadata Templates" it says "Since Metadata Templates given him access",
this should be "Since Metadata Templates give him access..




It's fascinating...several people have read all the text and reported typos and grammar errors. And still, new readers find new typos  :)


Quote from: Mario on June 01, 2014, 09:45:21 PM
It's fascinating...several people have read all the text and reported typos and grammar errors. And still, new readers find new typos  :)

That's the nature of human attention spans and proofreading lengthy texts...! There's always another typo hiding somewhere, often in plain sight.




'Download and Import

Paul downloads files from cards or via direct network link to his PC. All new files go into an project-specific incoming folder.'

Should read ... go into a project-specific...


Another, caption under picture of big blackberry:

'Using the Viewer in a 2 image side-by-side layout allows to quickly judge quality, ...'

'Using the Viewer in a 2 image side-by-side layout allows ['Paul' or 'one'] to quickly judge quality, ...'

After placing some advertisements on the Australian Gumtree site, yesterday my wife found I'd made a few typing errors. Corrected some but when I went to correct two more I found there was a $2 charge to ammend each! Left them.



File Window

'Paul uses a custom File Window Layout which displays the unique sequence number extracted from the file name prominently for each thumbnail. In IMatch, such things are easy.'

'prominently' really belongs with 'displays', not with 'extracted'

'Paul uses a custom File Window Layout which prominently displays the unique sequence number extracted from the file name for each thumbnail. In IMatch, such things are easy.'



Quote from: Mario on June 02, 2014, 07:31:53 AM
All soted. sorteed. sorted  :)
Genuinely made me LOL...

Now looking at Claude, but first para says "You've got one hour...Often Paul has to deliver" should be Claude not Paul.

Under the second screenshot text says"The Renamer allows Paul rename any number of files in one batch."
Should read "The Renamer allows Claude to rename any number of files in one batch."

Just under that, in heading "Captioning" Paul is again mentioned, should be Claude.



'File Naming Conventions'

'Susan's library uses a standard naming conversion for all files, ...'

Just wondering if this is supposed to read 'convention'... being based upon an ISO standard. You may well mean what you say but you mention convention soon after.


Acceptable but 'They then use IMatch categories...' is better expressed thus: 'Then they use IMatch categories ...' keeping 'they use' together. This is a matter of taste.


'Since Susan and her team still are still working out ...'

Should read:

'Since Susan and her team are still working out ...'


'Whenever new files are added or removed from the database or metadata changes, ...'

'Whenever new files are added or removed from the database, or metadata changes, ...' (greater clarity using parentheses)


'These collections are great to find out which files have been processed these week, or which images Susan has looked at yesterday.'

should read:

'These collections are a great way of finding out which files have been processed this week, or which images Susan has looked at yesterday.' (I know the first correction is verbose but it is correct.)

Minor but probably preferable:

'Susan also copies the metadata from the Metadata Panel frequently because she needs that data when she's writing a report.'

'Also, Susan frequently copies the metadata from the Metadata Panel because she needs that data when she's writing a report.'

Hope this isn't too much of an overload. I'm amazed at how well you've put this website together whilst de-bugging the code.



still looking at Claude, you haven't yet added the word to under the second screenshot
Should read "The Renamer allows Claude to rename any number of files in one batch."

sorry to be picky, you've done a splendid job on this and I've learnt a lot just by checking these pages.



"The Renamer allow Claude to rename any number of files in one batch."  <-- 'allows'?


Paz errors etc.:

1) 'Paz works for a large European biotechnology company All of their labs ...'
Full stop missing
(company. All)

2) Combining Categories

Categories and also be combined using Boolean operators

Categories can also be combined using Boolean operators

'3) The result of this combination are all documents ...'

'The result of this combination is all documents ...'

4) 'Such queries can be performed ad-hoc as needed, ...'

This is perhaps more a matter of taste but if you use 'ad hoc' (I don't think it is hyphenated) 'as needed' is superfluous.

5) '... overlays, e.g. a histogram, a customizable ...'
'... overlays, e.g., a histogram, a customizable ...' [e.g. is usually followed by a comma, which you usually do]

6) 'IMatch includes features to import of data into attributes from files or metadata.'

I'm not sure but you may mean 'IMatch includes features to import data into attributes from files or metadata.'

7) 'They can organize their files using taxonomies and other criteria easily using categories.'

'They can easily organize their files using taxonomies and other criteria using categories.'

8) [8]'They also group their files by lab and department, by project, the persons involved in the project, authors and a number of other criteria.'

'They also group their files by lab and department, by project, by persons involved in the project, by authors and a number of other criteria.' [for the sake of consistency].



As this topic is digressing from the apostrophe use I thought I might throw in another thing I noticed when browsing the site again.
In the mouse-over (see attachment) Mike is called Mile.

[attachment deleted by admin]
