Under Category Assignment the "Assign" Button has gone!

Started by bpmhutch, June 11, 2014, 10:26:34 AM

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Long time Imatch user, first time poster. In Imatch 3.6 my work flow was to take 2000+ photos a month, download to various folders, scan into Imatch then run a selection to show all images with no category selection. I would then go through and select all the picture of flowers (say) and assign the flower category and hit ASSIGN, this then removed the items from the selection so I could easily see what remained to be categorised. In Imatch 5 I have to deselect and reselect my category selection to get it to update; I suppose I'll get used to it or could I have the assign (or auto update my category selection) button back?

Fantastic piece of software.



IMatch 5 no longer uses a separate assign button.
When you work with the category panel you can assign and un-assign files by just checking or un-checking in the box in front.

When you are in the Category View and you look at the category "roses". When you un-check the "roses" category in the category panel, all selected files will vanish from view, because the category view updates after maybe two seconds. If this is a problem, just assign the files to their new category first in the category panel, and then remove them from the category you are looking at.

Note: You can also use drag and drop to perform category assignments. And you can use Copy/Paste to copy/move files between categories as well. Whatever works best for you.


Thanks Mario, I'll get used to the new techniques. Keep up the good work. Pete


Hi Pete,

I will suggest that you learn IMatch 5 methods rather than asking for IMatch 3 methods be added to IMatch 5. Usually a task is easily performed in IMatch 5 but if none of the methods suit your fancy, then make a feature request.

My current method of unassigning and reassigning is to open the Categories Panel, F9,C while I have a particular category selected in the left Categories window I select specific thumbnails. In the right Categories Panel I make all the changes. As soon as I remove the X in the box for a category, that image is removed from the original category. As soon as I add the X in the box for a new category, that image is added to the new category.
See "The Categories Panel" in help for more information but one feature to look at is "Working with Additional Category Tabs". This will allow you to narrow your list of categories to say Flowers.

Yet, the above method is just one of the means available and I don't want to imply it is the only method. Time spent reading the Help files can be very rewarding.