Labels not translated

Started by Mees Dekker, July 05, 2014, 10:37:36 AM

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Mees Dekker

I'm using Imatch 5.1.4 in Dutch language and noticed that labels are not yet translated. Both the words for the colors as for the descriptions are still in English. I switched to German language: same there (see attached screenshot).

Translation would be a piece of cake (sinde I did a lot of translating work for Imatch already), if only I knew where to find these entries. Could anybody point me in the right direction?

[attachment deleted by admin]


There is no standard for labels and no standard names. Every application is free to use it's own set of label names.

I ship IMatch with a set of standard label names used by common applications. Depending on the applications you use, and the language you use for these applications and the applications used to add the labels to your files, you will have a mix of labels in languages. You can import the labels from your database into this list and then delete the default labels.