Search bar not responding

Started by KimAbel, June 24, 2014, 10:20:53 AM

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What am I doing wrong in the search bar? No matter what I type in the search bar the file window shows all my files in the current scope. I am in the media and folders view.

I have enabled "show hierarchy", "Show all levels" and "Dont group by folders". I have tried other settings to. In the search bar I have tried filenames, search all tags and search most frequently used!

As far as I can see I have done it all right according to the help file (under search bar), but IM will not display the result.

Kim Abel


This reminds me of something I see on my system....
Do you have a filter active?
If so, please deactivate the filter(s) and try the search again.



Where do you search in?
What do you search for?
Did it work before?
What did you do before it stopped working?
What happens if you close and re-open the database?

I reproduced your settings and used a folder with 1000 files in total.
Filter active (Show only files with a rating > 3)
Search for 667 in file name.
File window shows all files with names containing 667 and a rating better than 3.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I search in the search bar over the file window.

I have tried both file names and keywords.

I have had trouble before so I havent really thoroughly tested the search bar until now.

Closing and reopening the database dont help.

I am searching for files with a keyword I know are present in the current scope.

I have no filters active.



It works now! I have no idea why it suddenly works since I have not done anything special in the mean time!

It takes almost 25 sec to search 9894 files for the keyword tyvjo and 217 files are returned in the result (Most frequently used tags). On the good side it takes the same time to search my whole catalogue (87378 files).

If I use " Search all tags" in 9894 files it takes about 50 sec.

Compared to Lightroom it is way slower since Lightroom shows the result almost imediately.

I will have to investigate this a little furher if the problem appear at a later time.



I have found similar results as you, Kim. About 45-50 seconds to return 6433 files of a total of 53497. If I search a second time, however, the search time decreases to about 25 sec ("Search all tags" activated). Maybe something is cached in memory after/during the first search making the performance better. I would think the hardware will matter as well. I'm on an i5 with 6 megs of RAM with db on a not to fast hard drive.

-- Vidar


These are exceptionally slow search times.

Please switch on debug logging (Help > Support) and perform a few searches.

Explain what you searched and where.
Do you have regular expression enabled?

Close IMatch and ZIP and attach the log file.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I have made a couple of tests on this and here are the results. Debug-logs are attached.

Fresh boot of computer
Started IMatch
Entered 'emilie' in the file window search bar using 'Limit search to frequently used tags (faster)'
Scope was category @All: 53685 files
Result: 6495 files
Search time about 40 sec
Closed IMatch

Started IMatch (no boot this time)
Entered 'emilie' in the file window search bar using 'Limit search to frequently used tags (faster)'
Scope was category @All: 53685 files
Result: 6495 files
Search time about 13 sec
Closed IMatch


[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Vidar


I have here (5 year old PC, fast USB 3.0 stick), database with

110,848 files
Scope: @All
Search for: "beach"
Where: In frequent tags
=>1200 results in 7.5 seconds.

110,848 files
Scope: @All
Search for: "beach"
Where: In the file name
190 results in < 1 second.

We had a full-text high-speed index in the early Beta version of IMatch which would reduce such search times down to maybe one seconds. The problem was that keeping the index up-to-date in the database was very "expensive" and interfered with the user interface. Every time a user made a change to data, rating, label etc. the index had to be updated. And this could take a second or two per file on large databases (100K files or more). Setting a rating for 100 files takes maybe 2 seconds. Updating the index with the new data takes 20 or more...

I still have the code and the entire business on my to-do list for a later release.
Maybe some on-demand update (update the index when the user uses the search bar. But then we could run into situations where the user has to wait a minute for the index to rebuild.
Another option would be to use the index only on a few, very limited tags (like the most frequent tags). This may will reduce the size of the index and may reduce the update speed. It's complicated and currently there are more pressing matters.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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