Database of currrently used locations

Started by cytochrome, June 29, 2014, 02:50:29 PM

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Is this possible? I ask the question because of on interesting post by Leonard (How to get Country/state/city fields filled if I fill a known location? here: I open a new thread here to not pollute his discussion with Mario.

From what I understand he uses also another DAM where he can enter a location and get the rest. I don't understand how it can function but it is a dream. I suppose that the other program builds a look-up table from all entries. The difficult part of course is that is I enter Rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau there will be hundreds of towns in France, nearby Switzerland etc with such a location. If I enter also Paris it is more unequivocal, although I remember having breakfast in the Cafe de Paris in Paris, Idaho!! I remember because we crossed the "Paris Bottoms road".

Anyway, back to location, does someone have ideas about the (semi)-automatic filling of Country/state/city ?? Or do you have tricks?



Did you try the search function in the Map panel? I think this is what you are looking for...

1. Under Edit > Preferences > Geo & Maps switch the search provider to Google. The search is not that good.

2. In the Map Panel, enter Rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau as the search term. It immediately sets the target marker to that location (in Paris). You can use the same search syntax as with Google Maps, so this is quite clever at figuring things out.

3. Left-click the target marker and choose "Assign" from the menu to assign this location to all selected files. If reverse-coding is enabled, IMatch fills the city/country/location etc. for you as well. If you use the Google search you may also want to use Google for reverse-geociding.


Thank you Mario; It is what I do for photos with GPS coordinates (in fact it does not work that well because it sometimes inverts  village and hamlet). So one is forced to correct by hand, it is much faster to do it by hand in the first place. However it is really a great help for pictures taken in foreign places, where it is far better than counting on memory.

But many photos are not geolocalized. And reading Leonard's post I have the impression that it is what he looks after. Maybe he will tell?



After finding a location in the map panel using the search function you assign the GPS coordinates via th target marker. Then your image has GPS coordinates and IMatch will also fill in Country/City etc. What else can be simpler?


Correct what Cytochrome mentioned, not all the photos are geolocalized  -  and the locations can repeat frequently.  If you/your photo database knows the location, it is not so handy in these cases locate the place using the map target.
This explains more my work flow.


To fill in location data for your files in IMatch you can use:

1. The Map Panel
2. The search function in the Map Panel
3. Locations you maintain in the Map Panel
4. Metadata Templates

which of these features do you use.
What would you change. Please explain how the "Location" feature in your "other" application works. Is this like a Metadata Tempate in IMatch, but restricted to only GPS-related data?


Quote from: Mario on June 29, 2014, 06:42:29 PM
After finding a location in the map panel using the search function you assign the GPS coordinates via th target marker. Then your image has GPS coordinates and IMatch will also fill in Country/City etc. What else can be simpler?
Hi Mario,

Yes it is simple, but not very efficient, for several reasons:

1) one can enter a gross location on the map, then refine it the location, then retrieve the coordinates, then have IM write it to the metadata , but:

2) in the metadata panel Location is organized in 4 tags, but the google retrieves only three

3) the third tag is variable, either the city or a sublocation, there is no rule

4) the spelling may not be what I want, since "ever" I write Languedoc when ggll says Languedoc-Roussillon (which is correct, but not what I want, same with other Region names).

In fine it is not at all faster than entering the data by hand.

The other idea (that I got from Leonard if I read him well) is that of a sort of template, or a Location thesaurus where for example if I enter Mane and Abbaye it finds Mane among the cities and Abbaye (de Salagon) among the locations, and will fill Mane/Abbaye de Salagon/Provence/FRA/France.  A dream, no?

I hope Leonard tells us what exactly the other program does.



A database for all locations is available online: Google Maps, Bing Maps.  You have access to that via IMatch.

When you setup a location in the IMatch Map panel, you have full control over the data that will be inserted, including city and location. This allows you to be as precise as you wish.

And via Metadata Templates you can also control exactly which of the county/country code/city/location ... tags are filled and with what.