Categorize images which contain a single person

Started by Quin, June 25, 2014, 11:03:37 AM

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When I want to select images of a particular person who is the sole person in the image, how should I go about this?
I don't particularly want to to have to 'NOT' all the other people who may be in images with this person.
Is the best trick to have a Category called, for example, 'Alone', for all images where there is only one (relevant) person in the image?  Then the search could be for 'Fred' AND 'Alone'.
Or is there a far better way?


Hello Quin,

there is a similar question in the old IMatch forum. There, this 'problem' is solved by a script. I don't know (haven't tested) if this script also works in IM5.

Two links to the old forum:


Hi Axel,
Many thanks for pointing me in the direction of using scripts for this.  I will try to unravel these scripts (for my own benefit).
I am, to use a camera analogy, still in the 'P' mode of the 'PASM' model of iMatch5 ! (Or, using a woodworking analogy, have just managed to plunge holes with a router.)
In searches I will need to combine the 'Alone' category with others, eg 'Queen' AND 'Alone' AND 'Windsor', and I am not sure how this could be done by combining a script with, say, @Builder.


This is actually quite complicated, and cannot be solved with the available set of category functions.

It is easy to find all files assigned to People|Mary.
To find all files only assigned to a category People|Mary you can use the "@CatDistinct[People|Mary]" formula.

But I think that your files are assigned to more than one category, and what you are looking for is something like:

"Give me all files which are assigned to the category People|Angie, but to no other category under the People category hierarchy."

Such a formula does not exist. I you think that having this will be useful for other users as well, please add a feature request to the feature request board.


Quote from: Mario on June 25, 2014, 02:06:17 PM
This is actually quite complicated, and cannot be solved with the available set of category functions.

It is easy to find all files assigned to People|Mary.
To find all files only assigned to a category People|Mary you can use the "@CatDistinct[People|Mary]" formula.

But I think that your files are assigned to more than one category, and what you are looking for is something like:

"Give me all files which are assigned to the category People|Angie, but to no other category under the People category hierarchy."

Hi Mario,
This is exactly what I was looking for!  I think I had in mind a @CatDistinct type of function with 2 parameters: (1) The root of a category sub-tree; and (2) the the distinct Category within that sub-tree.


Hi Quin, hi Mario,

I agree that this could be an interesting/helpful formula, so that there is no need to write a script or to migrate an IM3 script to IM5.


Quote from: Quin on June 25, 2014, 03:09:44 PM
Hi Mario,
This is exactly what I was looking for!  I think I had in mind a @CatDistinct type of function with 2 parameters: (1) The root of a category sub-tree; and (2) the the distinct Category within that sub-tree.
Why not write a feature request
