Separate "Categories" and "Current" from Category window?

Started by dadu, June 28, 2014, 10:48:10 PM

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In IMatch 3.6, I could show my folder tree, the Category Assignments window,  the categories assigned to the selected photo(s), and the category splasher, all in ONE view. See screenshot

I can't seem to duplicate this in IMatch 5.
The Categories and Current tabs in the Categories Panel are locked in the same panel.  I want  them in separate panels, and neither one can be in the Favorites panel, because that is where the Favorites for categories are are located  (a.k.a. Category Splashers)...


[attachment deleted by admin]


You mean something like this

[attachment deleted by admin]


The category panel has three tabs; Categories, Current and Recent. You cannot separate these. They are an integral part of the Category Panel.
You can only un-dock (float) or drag the Catgeory Panel as a whole.


I miss the current category display as a separate display also.
A workaround is to display the categories in the App Panel under VarToy.


If you really need to see this information, you can also make a custom HTML template for the App Panel,. which only shows the categories assigned to the current file(s).


Hi Mario and ubacher,

Can you point me in the direction of tutorial for creating an HTML template or the VarToy "workaround" for this?  You lost me...(I don't see any "categories" variable in the Variable Selector for VarToy....). Or can you give the HTML code for the app panel?  I looked at the Help File for this...I'm really lost...

Also, you REALLY need to add this capability back in as a default view...(breaking out/separating the Categories/Current tabs).  Otherwise, you are CONSTANTLY clicking back and forth between the two tabs; in essence adding untold clicks that you never had to do in IMatch 3...?

To reiterate, you need to have all three visible at all times:  Category>Favorites, Categories>Current, and Categories>Categories.

I love IMatch 5 and it's improvements; I'm sorry I didn't have more time to play with this in the beta stage to add my input at that time...
This ability is essential and needs to be added back.  I'm kind of at a loss as to why other people have not pointed this out...


Did you add a feature request for this yet?
That's the best way to get something into the queue. Other users can vote for it to give it more whoomp.

Usually features missed by many users pop up fairly quickly. The Beta ran for about 12 months, but so far no user has commented on the way the Category Panel is designed (and this goes even way back into the Alpha phase). What may be very important for one user is often a "nice to have, but..." for other users.

As you can see, we have currently over 100 open feature requests. Some requests have been discussed hotly, and many users have added a +1 to make them more important. Other feature requests are basically what one user would like to have. This get a lower priority, obviously, but if the idea makes sense and I think that it will be helpful for many users, I may implement it anyway.

Breaking the Category Panel to allow what you with for is doable, but a couple of days of work. Add a feature request and we'll see how it rates. I'll keep an eye on this.

In the mean time, to see all categories for the currently selected files, just add the variable with the same name. It's right on the first tab when you open the Variable Browser.


By default, the variables separates all categories with a semicolon. I've added a replace: function to replace this with carriage return / line feed. This way all categories are displayed in their own line.

To learn about HTM Templates, read the corresponding topic in the IMatch help and check out the many sample templates included in IMatch. It's basically always the same HTML, only the variables you use differ. To find the info, type Templates into the Help Index and then double-click on App Panel. Choose "Simple Templates". The help has many samples as well.


Thanks, Mario.  I always appreciate your thoughtful replies.  I will add this as a Feature Request..

So I managed to find the variable in VarToy (I did not have the "Categories" node expanded...)
Then I just used your modified version of the variable, which worked but:  is there a way to NOT show the "Image Files" files subcategories, as shown in the screenshot attached?  (.i.e, I just want to see the categories I've created in the system, not those created from the metadata in the image file...)  In this case, I only want to see "People>Male"...

Also, I've managed to add my new "Categories" html file to the app pane (see other screenshot), but the categories (or file name) do not appear...
Here is the important code; what am I missing...?:



  <!-- A simple paragraph which outputs the fully qualified file name. -->


</body> </html>

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So you don't want to see all categories of your files, you want to see only some?
You can use the ...Direct variable to see only the categories to which you have assigned the file directly - ignoring data-driven categories (and @Keywords). You can also use the filter formatting to show only categories in a specific sub-tree of your hierarchy.


Your template looks OK. But in HTML, to insert a new line you have to use the <br/> tag, not a carriage return line-feed.


If your template does not show anything, this may be it. Or you did not save it as UTF-8, check the settings in your editor.
I've attached a small template for you to start with.
Extract the contents of the attached file into


to get


Close and re-open the App panel afterwards if IMatch is running. Then select the Dadu Template. It shows the file name and all categories. Change the File.Categories to File.Categories.Direct as needed, or add a filter to limit the categories you see. See the help on the categories variable in the IMatch help for all the options available. After changing your template click on the Reload button in the App Panel toolbar to see your changes. It's quite fun.


Thanks, the File.Categories.Direct variable presents a workable solution.  I edited it so each of my user-assigned categories is on a separate line, per your earlier example. See my new screenshot.

However, I still feel the Categories and Current tabs should be separable and have entered an FR for that.  ;)

Did you forget to attach the sample template for the html method?  I don't see it to download... :-[

[attachment deleted by admin]



You could also visit the Scripting and Apps section, go to apps, and download the basic metadata viewer which is already configured to show the currently assigned categories of the focused image.  That app panel (and any other app) can be displayed at the same time the categories are.

Another possible alternative is to use the Category Jumper script in the scripts section which not only shows the assigned categories of the focused image, it lets you jump right to any of them.


I tweaked Mario's sample HTML file to show different categories on different lines...

I've attached the .zip file for the HTML files (folder) for the app panel and also a screenshot of what the output looks like.

[attachment deleted by admin]


This is very interesting.

Could someone please explain why File.Categories|replace:~;== retrieves ALL categories while File.Categories.Direct|pereplace:~;== retrieves only my What,  Where and Who. I suppose it is the Categories.Direct which does the trick.

This is more interesting because it is what I fill "actively" while the rest is duplicated from exif etc.. It is also concise and legible.


PS Sorry for the question, I look at the HELP (should have done so before :-[ and it is obvious


Tip: You can (usually) find the info and samples for each variable function by using the "Search" in the help. The Index tab holds only keywords poor Mario has assigned manually to each and every page...the Search is a full-text search implemented by Windows help.

That said, the Variables help topic is definitely worth a read because there is a lot more to variables than one might guess by using them 'as-is'. Categories.Direct or using File.Categories with a filter to get, e.g. only categories under @Keywords or your WHAT categories is also pretty cool.


Yes I realize that there is much more to variables than one (I) would expect. But the documentation is so complete that it is intimidating and as long one has no precise reason one (I) will shy away.

Problem is : if I don't read these Help chapters I will never be aware of all that's possible.. La vie est dure.
