Is beta 5.160 disabled ?

Started by Joe Austin, July 01, 2014, 01:06:36 PM

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Joe Austin

I've still been using the beta to work out problems with getting my 3.6 database converted over to 5, but this morning Imatch won't start.   Click on the start icon that has worked till now, I get a quick hourglass then nothing.    Is the beta disabled as of Jul 1?


Hi, Joe

yes, the Beta version has expired today. IMatch 5 is officially available since June 6. and anticipating that I set the time lock in the Beta to July 1. No need to keep the Betas working when the final version is out.

I don't know which problems you are working on, but the Trial version can create IMatch 5 databases and can also open (read-only) databases converted from IMatch 3.

Joe Austin

My big issues were the need to purge legacy IPTC data from my raw images, and the problem created by '.'  in my keywords ( did not realize '.' was a default hierarchical separator)  which caused Imatch to create keywords that it apparently couldn't write, and confounding several processes.  I have documented this in the bug forum.

My conversion is done  and I am halfway through purging embedded IPTC data from 30,000 raw files (doing 1000 at a time with ECP) , and doing all metadata write-backs left over from the conversion.  I guess I'm confident enough now that this will workout to go ahead and upgrade.