Problem with Propagation in conjunction with Visual Proxy

Started by Lord_Helmchen, June 20, 2014, 05:35:57 PM

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[Edit: You can ignore - or learn from my mistake: I have moved the "Visual Proxy" rule before propagation rules and now it works.  :-[ ]

I have a problem either in my understanding or IMatch:

I have configured versioning with propagation from CR2 to JPEG (IMatch internal Data, IPTC XMP etc.) and also the JPEG as Visual Proxy (two rules with visual as last rule).
--> If I'm in my raw folder, I see the JPEG as thumbnail (as expected).

Then I add some categories and change XMP Title and Description. This are are shown properly within IMatch (and XMP data also in the sidecar file).
--> These data are not propagated to corresponding version JPEG.

If I disable Visual Proxy, propagation works as expected (of course without the Visual Proxy).

Then I changed the versioning relation to additionally act as Visual Proxy.
--> Some data (Title and categories) are propagated but Description is not.

Have I understood something wrong, or is this a bug in IMatch?


Hm. Not 100% fine: the "Description" field is *not* replicated.


Show what you replicate (screen shot or list).

As far as I understand you have two competing rules?
Two rules for the same RAW format with the same or different JPEG versions and you propagate metadata with both rules?
You can easily shot yourself in your own foot with such attempts.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


No, only one rule for propagating meta data (for all raw file formats) and one for visual proxy without propagating. I'll make some screen shots later.


Ok, here some screenshots with information. Hope that helps. I could reproduce that behavior.

[As I'm not allowed to upload a PDF, I have to zip that one file]

Ups, ignore the typo in file name... :-(

[attachment deleted by admin]


Mario, any news to this, or are you currently work on more severe bugs?


Please have a look at the bug list yourself.

The last bug I've fixed took me two days.

And yes, there are more severe bugs.

This is a bug I could not immediately reproduce so it's scheduled.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


No prob. There was no pun intended!

So I continue migration without Visual Proxy, but having proper propagation of meta data. It's not a show stopper.

If you need more info let me know.



I re-tested this issue also with IM 5.1.6. Same behavior.  :(

Shall I create a Bug Report for this?