A Question to get an optimized import - workflow

Started by pmbvw, July 12, 2014, 10:07:33 PM

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My new created base import in IMATCH5 with Indexing is:

a) Set Categorie:  "PBV-Kategorien/0-All-new-pictures"
b) Set Collection:  ,,Red flag" for new pictures.
c) Metadaten-Template:   ,,PBV-Import-new pictures"  which set ,,Copyrights and ,,Usernames"
Then after importing I will update all pictures of an import folder with, as example:
Title:              London 2014 – Camden Town
Headline:        London 2014
Description:   My Steetart and Graffiti-Tour
,,Where"    Orte|Ausland|Europa|England|London
,,What"   Objekte|Kunst|Streetart

and if possible, start an automatic Reverse Geocoding

My question:

How can I do these things efficient and fast?
Or is the best or only  way to do it after importing/indexing in a second step?   
- With my last tool I could do all of these base things (not the rev geocoding) in an import – Indexing dialog-screen

How do others go through this phase?


You could format the Metadata Panel to have the primary tags that you typically want to input (and perhaps those related to geotagging).

If all your files will have the same tags, you could select them all and input them all at once in the Metadata Panel, which would essentially set all the data at once. You might also use the Keywords or Category panel if your Where and What are Hierarchical Keywords or Categories for those two items. 

I think the key thing is that your (a) and (b) steps set your new photos aside, which makes it easy to navigate so you can mass assign items after your import.  Once your done, you would want to remove the images from the Red Flag or New Pictures Collection and Category so the next import won't get mixed together.


Hi Erik, thanks for your answer,

if I understand you correct,
you recommend the 2 step approach.

1) Import the pictures with Indexing

and in the second step mark all pics of a session or day or redflagged
2a) Tagging these with  "Where" and "What" in my hierarchical keywords and filling Title,headline, description
2b) Reverse geocoding these.

After this making  individual changes like "Who" (Persons) etc.
And at last removing removing the red flag for the imported pics


You can do a) b) and c) when IMatch is indexing your files.
Check the options available under Edit > Preferences > Indexing. You can assign files to categories and collections, you can assign them to collections, you can run Metadata Templates to automatically add metadata etc.


I had recommended a two step approach mostly because the metadata you write may vary whereas I tend to look at the indexing operations as something that is fixed for each time I import (index) new files.

However, you could create or modify an import metadata template for each import if you remind yourself to change the settings prior to each import.  I'm the type of person that won't remember until the files are being imported, at which point it might be too late.  That's why I mostly go for a two step process.  Some items like geotagging and reverse geocoding could be automatic enough that you can run them on import.