How to add headline and description for an image???

Started by dadu, July 14, 2014, 10:58:36 PM

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I know, this is probably a basic question.  I have tried to figure it out for about an hour an a half and I don't get it...(Help file, etc.)

So, my work flow has always been to just categorize my images; I have NEVER used or entered any IPTC data for any files before or after importing them into IMatch....

But I now have some files that I would like to add a "Headline" and/or "Description".  See attached screenshot of Help file.

I do not see these fields in the IPTC Core section of my browser.  I've wandered through the Panel editor (and probably screwed up the defaults), but I still have not managed to add those fields in order add a headline/description for any image that does not already them. (Which is ALL my images...)


[attachment deleted by admin]


In the Metadata panel, choose the drop-down at the top for 'Default'. This will give you a bunch of standard metadata tags, including Headline and Description. Hit the F1 key while you're in the Metadata panel for more specific help.

Note that you can select more than one file and update the metadata for all selected files at once.

Follow up if you have more questions.



Okay, so I see the Core Data sub-panel which contains Headline and Description on my Desktop PC, but on my roaming laptop (which has just thumbnails and not the image files), I do not see the Core Data (under Default) sub-panel.

How do I get this back on my laptop?

Step-by-step instructions if you can, pretty please!  I used the Panel editor to add a new panel under Default>Custom Panels, but I don't see how to add the Title/Author/Headline/Description fields...(nothing is showing in the tags window)...Is there a way to restore the defaults for the default panel?...

Thanks for any further help...


If you've created a custom metadta panel layout you're halfway there, all you have to do is add sections (panels) to your custom layout and tags to the sections.

I have several custom metadata panel layouts, attached are some screenshots that show you how I set them up.

The first shows you how to add a section to your custom metadata panel layout.

The second shows you hour to add metadata tags to each section.

And the third shows you how my "Basic" custom metadata panel looks in use.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks for the screenshots; they make clearer how to create a custom panel.
For some reason I cannot find all the core data fields to recreate the same core data sub-panel on my laptop, so....

I exported the the entire Panel tree from my Desktop and imported it on my laptop and replaced the current Panel tree.  The core panel is back now on my laptop.

Good thing I never really used these panels in the past.  :P



One thing you should be aware of is that in V5 you don't edit IPTC fields.  Rather you edit the XMP equivalents and the IPTC fields are filled in automatically.  This is the exact opposite of how V3.6 worked.  It's not clear from the above discussion whether you realise this.

It's possible to edit your metadata preferences to change this, but it's not recommended,


Quote from: dadu on July 15, 2014, 01:19:41 AM
Thanks for the screenshots; they make clearer how to create a custom panel.
For some reason I cannot find all the core data fields to recreate the same core data sub-panel on my laptop, so....

I exported the the entire Panel tree from my Desktop and imported it on my laptop and replaced the current Panel tree.  The core panel is back now on my laptop.

Good thing I never really used these panels in the past.  :P

You don't need to create a custom panel. Just switch the Metadata Panel from the Image Info layout (which you see in your screen shot) to the Default layout. The Image Info layout is for displaying file-type specific info. The Default layout is designed for viewing and editing standard metadata.


@Ferdinand:  Thanks for explaining the fact that I am, in reality, editing XMP equivalents.  I had not clue that had changed in IM 5.

@Mario:  The problem was that somehow, The "Core Data" section of the "Default" view went missing on my laptop...(I probably inadvertently deleted it).  Rather than try to recreate it manually, I got it to re-appear by exporting the entire Panel Layout on my desktop and then importing that into and overwriting the messed-up panel layout on my laptop.  There was no penalty for me to do this since I am just now starting to explore using the IPTC/XMP data fields... :)


IMatch installs a "system" Metadata Panel layout (file name: "system.immdl").
This system layout is automatically imported into new databases, but you can also import it into an existing database to restore the factory Metadata Panel layouts (or merge them with your existing layouts).
