Pling-tone ...

Started by sinus, July 18, 2014, 02:10:43 PM

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every time, if I change a cat or a folder, a "bling" sound makes me crazy.

I did a diagnostic (all ok), and looked, if all categories are correct... I did not find a source for this bling. It is the sound, like you have open a window, where you must click something, and you click outside of this window: bling....  :-\

Has everyone an idea or does it makes sense, to look into the log? I tried to look into the log, but found nothing.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Did this just happen?
What did you do before this happened for the first time?
Usually Windows plays a Bing tone when something is wrong, some form has invalid input or anything like that.
How do you switch between folders/categories? Keyboard? Mouse?
Which panels are open? Tried to close some panels?


Quote from: sinus on July 18, 2014, 02:10:43 PM
I did not find a source for this bling. It is the sound, like you have open a window, where you must click something, and you click outside of this window: bling....  :-\

Try using Alt-tab when this happens to cycle back to IMatch. This may bring up an IMatch dialog window that's open and perhaps waiting for an 'OK' or other response. I've sometimes had a hidden IMatch dialog window that I couldn't access any other way.


Quote from: jch2103 on July 18, 2014, 06:17:03 PM
Quote from: sinus on July 18, 2014, 02:10:43 PM
I did not find a source for this bling. It is the sound, like you have open a window, where you must click something, and you click outside of this window: bling....  :-\

Try using Alt-tab when this happens to cycle back to IMatch. This may bring up an IMatch dialog window that's open and perhaps waiting for an 'OK' or other response. I've sometimes had a hidden IMatch dialog window that I couldn't access any other way.

thanks, I tried this, but there was not a hidden windows.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Mario on July 18, 2014, 05:04:15 PM
Did this just happen?
What did you do before this happened for the first time?
Usually Windows plays a Bing tone when something is wrong, some form has invalid input or anything like that.
How do you switch between folders/categories? Keyboard? Mouse?
Which panels are open? Tried to close some panels?

Unfortunately I cannot remember, when it started, but now it is almost always.
If I change the cats, if I change folders, also if IMatch starts, a pling comes on.

Yep, you are correct, once I can remember, when I had (in IM3) incorrect cats, then this happend, but I checked these here.
If I change a folder, with mouse or keyboard, it does a pling.
The same with cats, timeline and collections.
All images are online and I have not done something special. Hm, curios .. but I am sure, we will find out one day ;)

Finally I could put of the speakers ;) ... but maybe, Mario, or someone has another idea like jch2103, what I could try.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Just to make sure that I understand:

When you switch between folders in the Media & Folders View, or you switch between Categories in the Categories View, IMatch or Windows play a "ding" sound. But you can still work with IMatch, it is not blocked or anything.

Did you try to close all panels?
File Window search bar empty?
No filters active?


Hi Markus,
did you check your Windows sound configuration? For example, it is possible to let Windows beep whenever you select a menu entry (!). Who would want to do that, I have no idea. But maybe some unintended configuration change?

Or you could set the Windows sound schema to "Keine Sounds" and check if IMatch is quiet again...

Best wishes,

Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Ahhhhh, solved!!!

Thanks a lot Mario, jch2103 and Thorsten!

It was a panel! Should have seen it earlier.
It is the panel "Filter".

I let it open and did choose another panel, so that I could NOT seen this panel.
And I could not seen the message ... and now, if I see the panel, it is written there "There are too many ..."; please see my attachement.

And this message is VERY short, so that I cannot read it, hence I made a screenshot ;)

And every time, when I changed the folder or cats or timeline ... the pling was here.

But at the moment I cannot say, what is exactly wrong, so there are too many elements there, but I cannot say just now, how many elements I can choose, hence I do not know, how many I must hide.

But when I choose in the filter panel, hide them all, than everything is ok, so I can now simply add a filter element after each and I guess, when I have too many open, then this message appears.

So, I think, it is solved.


I guess, it would be good, if the message stays longer on screen, so that the user can read it.
And maybe it could written in this message something like "please choose not more then the allowed ... elements" or even better, the filter panel should not allow, that I can choose more then ... elements and show a warning.

Thanks, and I am happy now without gooing crazy!  :D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Check your value filters. You have chosen a tag which produces more than 10,000 (!) unique elements. E.g. a date and time or similar tag which has many unique values.
I suggest you close filter panels you don't need.


Quote from: Mario on July 21, 2014, 02:05:05 PM
Check your value filters. You have chosen a tag which produces more than 10,000 (!) unique elements. E.g. a date and time or similar tag which has many unique values.
I suggest you close filter panels you don't need.

Thanks, I will do so!
I have to say, that this is also, because until now, the filter panel I did not use and hence I have not read until now search and filter. I will do so of course, but I "study" IM step by step. ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Mario on July 21, 2014, 02:05:05 PM
Check your value filters. You have chosen a tag which produces more than 10,000 (!) unique elements. E.g. a date and time or similar tag which has many unique values.
I suggest you close filter panels you don't need.

BTW, does such a tag also have an impact on the speed, although the filter is not active?

Because, with the actual version .18 ... phew, IMatch is blastingly quicker!!!
I have converted my db with 200'000 images, and my impression was over all: slow, slow, slow.

And now, IM opens quickly, no more "white screen with 1 minute waiting, when I jump from cat to folders, quick closing, quick jumping from cat to cat and so on!!!

I do not know, is it the new version, or simply the result from some "bad" panels. Because now I have choosen the workspace "default". Also with a lot of panels, but I guess, wise planed.

Now IM makes a lot of fun!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I would help to see a log file from the "slow" IMatch. This would tell me what's slow.
I'm tuning performance all the time, and what was tuned for this time is described in the release notes which are a must read before you use any new version... ;D


And all panels cost performance. If you have a filter panel on a tag which has more than 10,000 values, IMatch must figure them out, load them into the filter panel etc. All that costs database and processor resources. IMatch does not need to update closed panels, or filters not loaded into the filter panel. And you have several value filter with whatever tag selected,... close them if you don't need them. Or at least set them to an empty tag so IMatch does not need to evaluate all values to show whenever you switch the current scope.


Quote from: Mario on July 21, 2014, 03:50:26 PM
And all panels cost performance. If you have a filter panel on a tag which has more than 10,000 values, IMatch must figure them out, load them into the filter panel etc. All that costs database and processor resources. IMatch does not need to update closed panels, or filters not loaded into the filter panel. And you have several value filter with whatever tag selected,... close them if you don't need them. Or at least set them to an empty tag so IMatch does not need to evaluate all values to show whenever you switch the current scope.

Thanks for that, I will do so. At the moment IM is very good in speed, never seen so quickly, in contrary to before it is blastingly fast! So no need to look into my log, you have better things to do ;)

Maybe all users, what have troubles with the speed, should first close all panels, and eliminate all things, what could decrease the speed.
Yes, though IM is very fast, I thought not, that some panels does use so huge or resources.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Usually filter panels don't need much.
But the Value filter works by looking at the current scope (what's in the file window) and then loading all values for all files for the tag you have used for the filter, in order to fill the list. And in your case, this even returned more than 10,000 values before the filter stopped and displayed the warning. If the filter produces more than 10,000 different values for whatever tag you have selected, you have more than 10,000 files in the scope (file window). And consider what this means.

10,000 files in the scope.

+ The Metadata and Keyword panel need to load lots of data to produce the "Merged" view.
+ Depending on what you use in your sort profile, metadata, Attributes etc. for 10,000 files must be loaded in order to sort the files in the file window.
+ File Relations, Stacks, Collections must be loaded, calculated and applied.
+ If your file window layout even includes variables, attributes and metadata, all this information must be loaded (well, at least for the visible files, and some screen pages before and after)

Now IMatch must also load all the data required to update the panels, and this needs to be done whenever you move to another file (focus another file). Naturally, if you have "expensive" panels like Keywords, Metadata, Map, Value Filters etc. open this may slow down things considerably. If your file window has only a few hundred files you won't notice this at all. But with a few thousand files, things become slower.