Keywords not updating

Started by azzurauk, July 23, 2014, 06:17:30 PM

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Hi all. I've been using iMatch for several years now but not really used the keyword feature from with in the program its self.
I use Zoner Photo Studio 16 for most of my editing and for changing/updating keyswords etc.
My Database is on my main NAS drive,  my working folder is on the main drive of my computer.
But when I backup my edited pictures to the main NAS drive and run Imatch (5) i does not update the keywords ?
It only updates Keywords if it is a totally new folder.

I know their must be a ticky box somewhere within the program but I cant find it for the life of me.
My database and program is currently running on the Default Setting ( New Database ).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Think I have found it myself after much searching.
METADATA 2 changed YES to NO - Protect Un-write Metadata.

Works a treat.


This feature is to protect your metadata.

1. You have unwritten metadata for one of your files, e.g. keywords. This data is not yet in the file, and thus cannot be seen by your other application.
2. You modify the file in another application.
3. IMatch re-imports the file and usually replaces the metadata in the database with the metadata in the file - replacing the keywords you had changed, but not yet written to the file.

The "protect" feature allows you to control how IMatch behaves in this situation. You can tell IMatch to keep the unwritten keywords (or other unwritten metadata) or to throw it away and replace it with whatever is imported from the file.