Lost my file relation settings

Started by cytochrome, July 24, 2014, 10:10:48 PM

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There are days like these  :( . First I lost cat assignments (these are back now) but now my file relations that I spent quite some time to set up are gone, I have the default relations and that's it.

I suppose they are stored in Imatch5.pts. In C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch5\config I have two files with the todate date: Imach5.pts (3280 Ko) and imatchpag5.pts (12Ko)...

How can I get my relation definitions back?



Sorry, I don't have the answer to your question. However, I learned early in the beta testing process that it was prudent to keep records of various IMatch settings (had to start from scratch a few times as a necessary part of the testing process). I've attached a copy of the text file I created to record file relations. It probably won't help directly, but it might be useful as a template. Good luck.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks alot, it is a good idea... will do it. The NEF and Vuescan settings are probably much like mine were. But I also had settings for MRW and RW2... Will have to restore them.

I thought I could pick the IMatch5.pts files from Packngo backups, but apparently they don't contain the relation settings. I went a month back and the relations are still the default ones..

Certainly Mario knows... lets wait



File Relations are database-specific and arr stored inside the database itself.
How did you 'loose' the file relations? What did you do before?
IMatch creates a set of standard file relations only when the database is created.

Are you sure that you have loaded the correct database? Losing category assignments, losing file relation definitions, this sounds as you somehow revert back to and older or different database...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Hello Mario,

I thought the relation definitions were part of the Config (seemed logical to me) and stored in a file within this folder. But I found my relations back loading an older DB. So it is OK. But I don't understand how this happened.

In fact yesterday I wanted (foolishly) to put some order to my Imatch files (CAT files and DB files) and I setup an "IMatch_DB_Repository", and moved there a sample of the all the different *.Iimd5 files that were dispersed all over my  drives. Its quite a lot... And then I started again IM with the biggest of these DB, the one I loaded back all my backup Cat files, and my relations were gone.

Is there a sure way to keep these relations and load now my "big and complete "DB" ? Anyway I will follow jch2103's example and make copies of my crucial settings. I remember Ferdinand once gave a list of all the settings he saves when making a backup, will try to find it back.



Did I?  I don't recall doing that, but it's possible.  If you find that post then let me know. 

I do have a text document where I list all the changes I made to a virgin setup, tab by tab.  The trick is to update it every time I change a setting.

But some things in preferences can be backed up by exporting, like attribute sets and the file window tip.  File relations are without doubt the most complex and tricky thing to set up correctly, and were a pain to re-enter each time we had to start afresh during the alpha and beta testing.  I've always wanted to be able to export and import them as well, at least as a backup, and also to create other databases.  I think I'll make a (low priority) feature request.


Quote from: cytochrome on July 25, 2014, 09:05:52 AM
In fact yesterday I wanted (foolishly) to put some order to my Imatch files (CAT files and DB files) and I setup an "IMatch_DB_Repository", and moved there a sample of the all the different *.Iimd5 files...

An IMatch database consists of exactly one file: The file with the .IMD5 extension. While a database is open, the database system may create temporary files, but these are removed when IMatch closes. Or, in case of a crash, the next time IMatch starts. These files contain rollback and journaling data.

I don't know what a CAT file is, but I assume you mean the .IMCSX files you get when you export categories in IMatch 5?

I guessed above that maybe you had accidentally replaced your database with an older version or something. Because file relations don't just rollback to the original relations which are created when a database is created. Maybe during your copy operations you have replaced a newer version of your database accidentally?

The file relations (and many other settings) are stored inside the database because they contain links, references and indices to database-specific objects. And since it takes only a minute to create them, there is no import/export functionality. Usually you create them once and that's it. Unless your file formats change, when you may have to add another extension.

The tricky part of a relation are the regular expressions. These can be easily transfered via Copy/Paste, using Notepad or just the Windows clipboard as the intermediate storage.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on July 25, 2014, 01:31:58 PM
And since it takes only a minute to create them, there is no import/export functionality.

I can assure that that it's lot more than a minute, and they have to be right, especially if you propagate.


How often do you create a new database from scratch?
How many user would benefit from an relation export and import feature. Looking a the 150+ other feature requests, how, on a scale of 1 to 10, would you rate this feature? The expected time to implement this is about 2-3 work days.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on July 25, 2014, 01:31:58 PM

The file relations (and many other settings) are stored inside the database because they contain links, references and indices to database-specific objects. And since it takes only a minute to create them, there is no import/export functionality. Usually you create them once and that's it. Unless your file formats change, when you may have to add another extension.

The tricky part of a relation are the regular expressions. These can be easily transfered via Copy/Paste, using Notepad or just the Windows clipboard as the intermediate storage.

I feel like Ferdinand : it takes a lot of minutes to set up relations for propagation. I use(d) several raw formats  and also use several version JPG naming schema so it is not so trivial. Even a reverse propagation from jpg to RW2!! (I replaced it by a XMP2RW2 preset in the ECP, much simpler).

Any way I will make a copy of all my relations to a txt file.

And yes the "CAT files" are my backup *.imcsx files.


Ferdinand, I believe it was you who gave this list of files to save along the DB, nor sure but it is your sort of things (take it as a compliment).


Quote from: Mario on July 25, 2014, 03:31:49 PM
How often do you create a new database from scratch?
How many user would benefit from an relation export and import feature. Looking a the 150+ other feature requests, how, on a scale of 1 to 10, would you rate this feature? The expected time to implement this is about 2-3 work days.

I think we can do without a separate relation backup. But it would be good to indicate somewhere in the HELP, maybe in PackandGo section (it isn't there) that the relations are not saved explicitly but as a whole in the DB and that as text copy is a smart move...



Setting up the file relationships is quite challenging initially.  Once they are set and you some how document what you've done, it would be easy to recreate.

The key part is somehow backing up the file relations.

My method has actually been to use the MS One Note Program (part of my MS Office configuration) to essentially do like others have stated.  I capture screen shots of each configuration screen and paste them into the document.  If I update any settings, I find the screen shot and replace it with a new one. 

One Note automatically uses OCR for the bitmap, so I can actually cut and paste from the bitmap, if it is needed.  It came in handy when dealing with File Relationships and other more text intensive or RegEx type expressions, variables, and so on.


Quote from: cytochrome on July 25, 2014, 03:44:09 PM
Ferdinand, I believe it was you who gave this list of files to save along the DB, nor sure but it is your sort of things (take it as a compliment).

I believe John Zeman came up with a list. I'm not sure where on the forum it is, but attached is a copy of his list.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: jch2103 on July 25, 2014, 07:44:24 PM
Quote from: cytochrome on July 25, 2014, 03:44:09 PM
Ferdinand, I believe it was you who gave this list of files to save along the DB, nor sure but it is your sort of things (take it as a compliment).

I believe John Zeman came up with a list. I'm not sure where on the forum it is, but attached is a copy of his list.

Thank you for this. Quae sunt caesaris, caesari... 
Although in my memory it looked different. Anyway I am doing my own stuff and have now a text file with all my relations reeady to be pasted back in case of another loss.

Thank you...



Quote from: Mario on July 25, 2014, 03:31:49 PM
Looking a the 150+ other feature requests, how, on a scale of 1 to 10, would you rate this feature?

In the feature request I already said that it was low priority.  On a scale of 1 to 10?  Probably 2 to 3.  There are several other existing feature requests of mine that I'd be keen to get sooner rather than later (much sooner for this one), and this new one would be well below those.  You're always telling us to just make these requests and let others comment and let you allocate the priority, and so I did.