wrong preview-image from nef

Started by sinus, July 25, 2014, 04:28:16 PM

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Hi folks

Without gone more into details, I have seen, that unfortunately there are several Raw-files (NEF) in the IMatch - db, what looks all good as thumbs, but if if I look at them with the Quick view or the Viewer, I see a completely other image (means instead for example a man, I see a rose).

If I open it in Photoshop (Raw), I see the correct image.
If I do a "update cache only" in IM5, the correct image reapiers again, and I can see now the correct image.

Just to know, because it can be solved with the IM5-command ("update.."), could you imagine, how can this be happend? (I have several hundert images with this error).
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Do you have perhaps duplicated your database without changing the unique id?
This would mean that you merge cache images from different databases, and the cache images use numbers which may link to different files in different databases. A cache image generated for image 100 in database A will be wrong if loaded for image 100 in database B.


Quote from: Mario on July 25, 2014, 06:32:29 PM
Do you have perhaps duplicated your database without changing the unique id?
This would mean that you merge cache images from different databases, and the cache images use numbers which may link to different files in different databases. A cache image generated for image 100 in database A will be wrong if loaded for image 100 in database B.

Hi Mario,
I think, you are right. Though I do work always with the same db, I do often copy the db in a folder.
This, because if I have troubles with the db, I can simply use the copy.

I do this specialy, if I try "difficult" things (for me) like Attributes-sets rename, delete and so on or if I "fiddle" in the preferences.

My actual db seems to be ok, diagnostic is ok and the problem with the wrong cached preview-images seems to be only  in a couple of folders.

Must I do change the ID anyway or can I go further with the actual db?
(I clicked one on the icon in the preferences (change id), there came a box with some infos, but after ok nothing happend.)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


If you make copies of a database for backup purposes, you don't need to change the id.

But if you "clone" a database by copying it, and then work with both databases, adding/removing files and the like, you must change the id. Unless you change the id, both databases share the same cache folder, and when you manage different files in the same database, or just add the same files but in another sequence, you will end up with one cache file for different image files!

To change the id, go to Edit > Preferences > Database. Press <F1> while in this dialog for detailed information.


Thanks, Mario,

so I will do so.
I do not change dbs, I do only copy them for backup purposes. I find it easy, make a copy, work with the (old) normal db, and IF there are problems, I can go and load the copy.

But until now, it was not necessary.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)