
Started by sinus, July 29, 2014, 12:14:16 PM

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The user jch2103 has asked for my panel-layout.
Here it is (as ending txt, you must simple change this into the ending immdl.

The field will mostly not fit your wishes, but you can simply see, what we can do with IMatch.

For exampe:
The Hierachical Keywords I have put at the end and let it flot over the whole width.
All fields are black with yellow text.
If a field is empty, then it will be filled with red colour to catch you eyes.
All fields have a description.
I use the field Identifier as the field for automatic stacking. If this field contains the word "stack-", then it will have a blue colour with a orange text. So I can see quickly, that this image is member of a stack. (additional to the clues on the thumb-view).

We could change a lot more of this panels, but for me finally the thumbs should have the focus, hence I do not use "popping colours".

Hope, this helps a bit.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


For newbies  like me a tip:
To edit metadata panel layouts or add a new metadata panel layout, click the Edit Layouts button in the metadata panel toolbar to open the metadata panel layout editor.
Mark the line "Panel Layouts" and then "Import panel layouts.."


Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: pmbvw on July 29, 2014, 08:30:52 PM
For newbies  like me a tip:
To edit metadata panel layouts or add a new metadata panel layout, click the Edit Layouts button in the metadata panel toolbar to open the metadata panel layout editor.
Mark the line "Panel Layouts" and then "Import panel layouts.."

Additional Tip: Read the topic about Metadata Panel layouts in the help. It explains the features available, how to configure them, how to work with the layout editor, how to export & import layouts ("Loading and Storing Panel Layouts"), contains many tips and samples...

Just type layout into the search index and then double-click on Metadata Panel  in the result list.


Your example panel is very helpful, Markus!  Thanks . . .   (I keep learning and learning, and there's always more!  ::) )
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: BanjoTom on August 05, 2014, 09:51:52 PM
Your example panel is very helpful, Markus!  Thanks . . .   (I keep learning and learning, and there's always more!  ::) )

Thanks, Tom, so it it fine, if I could help and if you lern an lern ;)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)