Database Problems with Collections

Started by Darius1968, July 31, 2014, 05:29:09 AM

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Lately, I've been posting to the Bug Reports section of this forum about grief I've been having with IMatch crashes, hangs, and problems working with collections. 
Well, I opened up my database in IMatch and performed a database diagnosis.  This completed with no errors, but there were like 90 warnings, and there was the yellow symbol for the categories.  The 1st file attachment is a log file that reflects this for you analysis.  After that, I performed the Compact and Optimize.  Then, after waiting for about a half hour or so, I clicked on the Collection tab, and this caused maybe a 25 sec. hang in IMatch before the 'Green Dot' collection was displayed.  At this point, I switched to Media & Folders view to assign another image to  the 'Green Dot' Collection.  I then switched back to the Collection view and made sure the 'Green Dot' collection was clicked to focus.  Right now, both images were displayed, but it was weird that 'Green Dot' was only reporting that there was one image there.  The 2nd file attachment is a screen shot illustrating this.  I then let IMatch be alone with the database open for about an hour.  When I returned, IMatch showed that it was still processing in the background, and the screen appeared the same still as that of my 2nd file attachment.  I now closed and reopened my database.  It opened up on the Collection view with 'Green Dot' being focused.  This time, there was again, only one image present in the 'Green Dot' collection!  The last image I assigned here had vanished!  Also, 'Green Dot' was now reporting that there were 0 images!  I was gonna get a screen shot of this, but it only lasted for about 30 sec. before 'Green Dot' once again reported 1 image in the database, and still, only one image was being displayed in the file window.  My 3rd file attachment documents this.  Finally, I'm attaching a 4th file, which is a log file right after I assigned a 2nd image to 'Green Dot', but 'Green Dot' refused to increment up to a count of 2.  Then, there is my 5th, and final file attachment, which too is a log file, representing the above described scenario where I closed and reopened my database to a 'Green Dot' collection showing that my last image I assigned there had vanished in the process of my having closed and reopening the database.  All these log files are with IMatch being set to the Debug mode.  Does this make any difference here, and is it the setting you needed? 
In closing, I might add that it seems my database is endlessly processing data in the background, no matter how long I leave it open and sit idle.  That is, when the Categories, Timeline, or the Collection tabs are focused.  When the Media & Folders tab is focused, this endless background processing seemingly stops, as indicated by the bottom, lower right icon that will state that the application is busy, when you hover your mouse over it. 

[attachment deleted by admin]


A bit more info about IMatch seemingly getting stuck in the "Application is busy" loop:  I can get IMatch out of this loop by simply clicking on the M&F tab!  It helps greatly if the thumbnail layout is just set to thumbnails only instead of the Standard, in which the thumbnails are set to display metadata.  This begs the issue about some error happening in the parsing of variables, to my best guess.  Additionally, IMatch is unstable, switching form Timeline to Category view, and vice versa.  If I want to switch between those two views and have IMatch remain stable, I have to first go to M&F view as a middle step.  Doing this allows me to assign files to categories without them disappearing.  But, I have to maintain this strategy to keep collections stable.