How load favorited GPS location into map panel so I can apply it's coordinates?

Started by dadu, August 01, 2014, 08:59:14 PM

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I know this is probably a simple task, but I can't find how to do this.

So, I have a photo that has no gps metadata.  I have a "favorite" in the map panel called "Home".
I select the photo, I select "Home" in the map panel drop down, but then the map does not show the correct geo location.

What specific icon do I click on to load the "Home" location in the map panel so I can then apply the correct target marker coordinates to the photo...



Next to the drop down of favorites is the star icon... at the very bottom of that drop down is an option to "show all locations" - this will show the location when you select it from the drop down list... then, you just drag/drop or use the "assign to selected image" icon to assign your file... enjoy!


This next suggestion doesn't use the map panel but you might find it useful.  Using a metadata template you can add more than just GPS coordinates.  For example GPS, country, state, city, and sublocation, all with the click of one button.

To set up your metadata templates go to

Edit > Preferences > Metadata Template.

Then to apply that template to the selected images use the metadata panel and click the metadata template icon at the top of the panel.


All locations you have created (and the sample locations IMatch ships with) can be accessed directly int he Map Panel. Just drop-down the location list to see them all, then click on the location you want to center the map onto:

To apply a location to the selected image(s):

1. Use the drop-down menu right to the location list and choose apply, or
2. Left-click the location circle to open the popup menu and then choose Appy.

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Thanks to all.  I think the part that I was missing was that you also have to click on the globe with the two stars on it (to the left of the drop down).  When I do that I then see the red-bordered yellow circle around the favorite location and I can apply the coordinates to the file.


If you have not already, please read the help topic on the Map Panel. You may miss other features and functionalities as well. Not everything can be made obvious, and then the help comes into play. Just left-click into the Map panel and press <F1>.