Unusual long starting time and DB opened in read-only?

Started by ChrisMatch, July 31, 2014, 09:41:20 PM

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Occasionally it takes iMatch quite a long time to get ready after starting it.
On other occasions it suddenly opens the database in 'read only' mode (it was not in read-only mode the last time I used it).

This time both happened and I had iMatch in debug-log mode.
So... logfile is attached.

Even if this is no bug I hope someone (Mario) can explain:
- why it (sometikes) takes iMatch so long to 'start'
- what causes iMatch to (sometimes) open the database in 'read only' mode.


[attachment deleted by admin]


The log file reports:

'C:\DATEN\PIC-Archiv\picDBs\iMatch\IMatchPicAssets.imd5'  Database file read-only/on read-only media.

This means that IMatch was not able to open the file with write-access. Windows denied access. That's all I can say. If Windows denies IMatch write access to the database file, IMatch automatically opens the database in read-onyl mode.

Potential causes: File System privileges. Virus checkers. Other software having a "deny write" lock on the database file.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thanks for the fast reply.
I will keep an eye on what could block the db-file.
Is this also the reason for the longer loading time?