Category history (in viewer) not showing the top entry - need to scroll up

Started by ubacher, October 17, 2013, 05:55:24 PM

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After I enter a new category it is put to the top of the history. But the panel is not kept scrolled up so that
the top entry becomes hidden.
I have to manually scroll up to get at the newest entry (entries). See screenshot: the scroll-slider is not at the top.

This is obviously inconvenient.

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Problem is this:

When you are assigning files from the middle of the history, and IMatch would scroll always up to show the top entry, you would find that inconvenient also. I can already here other users complain.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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My argument is that, as one scrolls thru pictures to assign cats, it is most likely that the next picture should get the same categor(ies)
as the previous one.


Not when your workflow is to select all images for a "set" of categories, and then assign them by clicking once on the category. This is a workflow that is much faster than assigning each image individually to n categories and thus used by many - me included.

Just scrolling to the top is no option here. And apparently not scrolling is no option for you.
So either we need to make this configurable with another set of options, split the list somehow or do something else.

I will let this in the feature request list so other users can comment. I will look into this at some later time.

In the mean time i suggest you change the layout of your Favorite panel. Make it slower so IMatch uses multiple columns. Or move it to the top/bottom, which also creates multiple columns. This way you can see more of your categories and IMatch most likely does not need to scroll the list - your categories remain in view.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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You suggest:
QuoteNot when your workflow is to select all images for a "set" of categories, and then assign them by clicking once on the category. This is a workflow that is much faster than assigning each image individually to n categories and thus used by many - me included.

In the viewer you can't select multiple files (would be nice if one could)

You suggest:
QuoteIn the mean time i suggest you change the layout of your Favorite panel. Make it slower so IMatch uses multiple columns. Or move it to the top/bottom, which also creates multiple columns. This way you can see more of your categories and IMatch most likely does not need to scroll the list - your categories remain in view.

This again does not work (with the category history panel inside ) the viewer panel.  Neat trick though. Wish one could get CATEGORIES also to show in multiple columns.

My favorite way to set categories (and title/description) would be to have a Categories set in the previous image panel with a button that functions as Set these same categories (and title/description) to this image an move on to the next.
This is just a simple description of what could be a very quick way of categorizing images. I was hoping that IM5 would have this - but maybe I will have to try and script such functionality eventually myself.


today I made the same experience, that I had to sroll-up the cat-hist-panel to come to the newest assigned category ... but ... my cat-hist-panel was more than filled and that is normally not necessary. So I deleted all and then I had all last used categories available.
I use this workflow:
all pics, that I have to assign categories are assigned to a temporary category e.g. AA_Temp.
Active in this category and the pics shown in the viewer, I mark severeal pics, that will get the same categories, in the category-panel I assign them to the wanted categories and after this I deassign them from AA_Temp. Now they disapear from the viewer and the categories are available in the cat-hist-panel, especially the AA_Temp. Now, after assigning the next ones, a shift-click to AA_Temp in the cat-hist-panel disassign them. With this methode it is easy for me to assign 1.000 pics and more in one hour ...


QuoteWish one could get CATEGORIES also to show in multiple columns.

Tip: You know that you can add additional tabs to the Category Panel, to show separate sub-sections of your category tree?
This makes it much faster to work with large category trees.

And if something like "set this image like the last image" would work in your workflow, why don't you just select the two images (or any number of images) in the file window and assign them at once?

Or is is that you can only assign files in the Viewer? Why not using the Quick Preview Panel instead? You can make that fairly big while still seeing the file window - which allows you to select multiple files and perform rating, label, category assignments. Very fast workflow usually. Faster than clicking through each file in the Viewer  to assign categories.

Also, consider using a (even temporary) set of category Favorites. I bet you are using 20 or 30 categories very often. Put them in a new Favorite set to keep them visible. Or even assign keyboard shortcuts to the most used category favorites and then use <F3> to assign them. This currently works in the File Window but will also work in the Viewer in build 5.0.122 and later.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on October 18, 2013, 03:59:47 PM
Tip: You know that you can add additional tabs to the Category Panel, to show separate sub-sections of your category tree?

This feature works so well for me that I rarely need the categories tab in the favorites panel.  :)


I know. But I can only show one panel at a time. So instead of searching up/down I need to flip panels. Slightly faster maybe.
Would be nice to have these extra category panels side-by-side. (Where display real-estate allows)


I don't understand, why can you only show one panel at a time?  I always show at least two at the same time (stacked vertically) often more.


Sorry - sloppy terminology. It's the tabs inside the category panel. Only one tab at a time - or am I missing something.
See screenshot.

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Oh category tabs, I was thought you were talking about actual different panels.

I don't think you're missing anything, what I do is to assign frequently used categories to a category favorites tab as indicated in the attached screen shot.  Then when I need to assign a category that's not often used I'll use the category tabs in the category panel to quickly find it.

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