Data Driven Category (Refresh Data vs. Refresh View)

Started by Darius1968, August 03, 2014, 06:21:07 AM

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There are currently about 20,000 mp3s in my database.  I added five more to the database just now by copying them from a directory not referenced by this database, and hence, 'paste' was unavailable directly from IMatch, so I pasted them into the IMatch-referenced-directory via Windows Explorer.  Then, I did a "Rescan now" from within IMatch.  When I went to the mp3 data driven category, which ships with IMatch, I found the file was not there yet.  I did a refresh data on this category, which took almost 2 minutes.  Is 2 minutes time to refresh data on the mp3 data driven category normal for just 5 files added to the other 20,000 mp3s already referenced by IMatch?  What does "Refresh view" F5 do? 


Your information is insufficient, sorry.

I cannot even tell if your database has 20,000 files or 200,000 files.
If your database is on a slow disk or a SSD.
I cannot even say what is so slow. I just refreshed all data-driven categories on a 160,000 files database in 45 seconds, including all data-driven categories shipped with IMatch, plus @Keywords. And usually data-driven categories refresh in the background automatically anyway.

Please switch to debug logging (Help > Support > Debug logging), repeat your test, attach log file.
You can drag files from external folders into the IMatch file window. Depending on whether you hold down Ctrl key IMatch will copy or move. See the IMatch help for details.


The database has close to 200,000 files, about 19,000 of which are mp3s.  My database is on my 2nd PC hard drive (1 Terabyte, don't know if it's 5600 or 7200 rpm).  This is a dedicated hard drive, dedicated to file storage, whereas my 1st hard drive is my boot drive.  The database references files on both drives. 
I don't have that many data driven categories in my database; The one taking longest to refresh of all is the mp3 category that ships with IMatch. 
The attached log file represents a refresh of the shipped mp3 data driven category in debug mode. 

[attachment deleted by admin]


Please repeat your test with the current 5.1.12 build. I have made some improvements for data-driven categories and you may benefit from that. This also gives  us timing information from the current version.