MT Templates and copying Attributes to Image Metadata

Started by Thomsob, August 13, 2014, 12:36:25 AM

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I have created a Metadata Template to take Attributes and write them to the metadata fields in each image. I have attached an example showing the Keywords code...

When I run this template and I watch the Metadata Panel (Default), I see some fields populate and some don't. If I then click on the yellow pencil on an image, I get two copies of the Keywords appearing. Then I have manually delete the excess via that Metadata panel.

Why do some fields (eg. Title) immediately populate when I run the template and others (eg. Keywords) don't. Is there a better way to do this?

I am sure this is happening because I don't understand what goes on in this process. When I run the template, what actually happens?

Many thanks, Bruce

[attachment deleted by admin]


Don't update Composite Keywords. Always update hierarchicalKeywords. Just select the Standard Tag for Hierarchical Keywords. Only this guarantees that IMatch correctly maps your keywords to the flat XMP and IPTC keywords on write-back. If you update Composite keywords, you are working against the automatic mapping between metadata standards.


Ah, many thanks for that. I did see that there were a number of different Keyword tags (fields), so I just need to ensure that I use the correct one.

Regards, Bruce