Thesaurus manager : move the selected entry ?

Started by emef, August 04, 2014, 05:34:10 PM

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Hello everyone,
a little clarification on the use of "Thesaurus manager": I would move a keywords (a person's name), which is "non-group level, in another entry" Who ", which is group-level . But the two buttons "move the selected entry (up or down) are greyed out and do not seem to work.
This course in order to reorganize the tree of my keywords. But I'm probably wrong there?


I can't necessarily answer the specific question, but I should comment that reorganizing the thesaurus does not reorganize the keywords that are already in your files.

You would have to edit each file (in groups by keyword or individually) to actually change the organization that is already there.  The thesaurus is mostly for future assignment of keywords (or other metadata).


You can only manually reorder elements when their parent element uses the manual sort order. Otherwise the order of sub-elements is controlled by the sort order set for their parent.

See the Thesaurus Manager help topic for details on how to change sequence of elements, moving, copying etc.

Note: The thesaurus stores text data for any metadata tag, including keywords. Changing the thesaurus does not affect keywords or other metadata already stored in your files.

To change a keyword for any number of files, e.g. from "People|Me" to "WHO|People|Me", proceed as follows:

1. Select all files you want to change in a file window
2. In the Keyword Panel, delete "People|Me" and insert "WHO|People|Me".
3. Save the changes by clicking on the green hook button.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thank you both. I seriously meeting starts at reorganize the tree of my keywords in IM5.   :)


Check out the functions and features available in the Keyword Panel and for the special @Keyword category hierarchy in the IMatch help. Learning about these features may save you a lot of time when you plan to reorganize big time.