IMatch 3.6 Style Selections

Started by Darius1968, July 12, 2013, 12:48:24 AM

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It's great that this new version facilitates filtering, and it, for me, has been a long awaited implementation!  What I'm trying to figure out how to do, however, is to get the old style selections - ie., select images based on one or more criteria like filetype, orientation, dimensions, filename, etc - and have the ability to have several such selections in the background ready for instant recall during the session of IMatch.  As it stands now, it appears that one can save filters, but I don't need to always be that fancy, just have to be able to recall during a current session to be promptly forgotten when IMatch is closed out.  How to do this? 

Also, when I set a filter to narrow the scope and I click on database in my list of folders, IMatch seems to freeze for about a minute or so.  Is this a bug or is this normal? 


1) IMatch has no selections anymore. Filters in IMatch 5 are so fast, you can use them interactively, even for large databases.

If you absolutely need to keep multiple results available, persist them (after applying your filter) to a temporary category (select all files with Ctrl+A then choose Create Category from Selection in the context menu). Or use one of the available collections: Bookmarks, Pins, Dots, Flags to mark the files. You can then 'recall' your results in the Collection View.

2) This depends on how complex your filter is and how many files your database contains. Depending on your filter IMatch may need to perform complex database operations, or maybe fill in memory caches which have not been used before. I cannot comment on this until you give us your filter settings and a log file in debug mode (Help > Support > Debug logging) taken from a session where you used that filter on the database.