add YYYY-MM-DD in front of file-name, then redistribute into YYYY-MM-DD folders?

Started by CollieDog, July 11, 2013, 05:17:58 PM

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I spent several hours reading the manual and experimenting to try to figure out how to use the Renamer tool.
Alas, I have failed to comprehend its mysteries and so come here to ask for advice and guidance  :)

I want to use Renamer to examine RAW images .NEF (from Nikon D800), .RW2 (from Lumix GF3), in folders on my harddrive, add YYYY-MM-DD the photo was taken in front of the original file name, and then move the files into dynamically created sub-folders based on the year, month and day the image was taken.

Using the folder pattern formula "{p0}\{File.DateTime|format:YYYY-MM-DD}", I was able to figure out how to get Renamer to copy the photos into directories based on the YYYY-MM-DD the photo was taken.

But I was unable to figure out how to get Renamer to place YYYY-MM-DD in front of the original file names.
I want Renamer to change "0RA_5530.NEF" to "2013-05-19 0RA_5530.NEF"

I'm really having trouble figuring out the many options within the "Variable Selector" does, and what the "Tag Selector" button/feature is for.

My question then is how on earth do I set this up in order to:

  • include a YYYY-MM-DD prefix in front of the original file name. Which formula should I use?
  • move all of the photos into directories based on the YYYY-MM-DD the photo was taken.

I'll greatly appreciate help with this mystery! :P[/list]

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Quote from: Coolrat on July 11, 2013, 05:17:58 PM
But I was unable to figure out how to get Renamer to place YYYY-MM-DD in front of the original file names.
I want Renamer to change "0RA_5530.NEF" to "2013-05-19 0RA_5530.NEF"

My question then is how on earth do I set this up in order to:

  • include a YYYY-MM-DD prefix in front of the original file name. Which formula should I use?
  • move all of the photos into directories based on the YYYY-MM-DD the photo was taken.

#1 - try adding a 'Replace Text' option after the Original file name:
Replace: (^.*)
With: {File.MD.Exif::Main\36867\DateTimeOriginal\0|format:YYYY-MM-DD} $1
and tick the regular expression box

#2 then move file :
Destination folder:

Thus :

source: k:\Ingest\IMG_0138.CR2
Destination: k:\Testing\2013\06\2013_06_29\2013-06-29 IMG_0138.CR2

Fiddle with the formatting as appropriate until you get what you like.  :D


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I'd use something like shown in the attached screenshot  8)

Seems you have the move part working already.

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The easiest approach would be to just do a

If none of the built-in date steps produces the format you want, insert a Text step above the original file name and use a variable.

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Be careful what you wish for. I adopted that format 8 years ago YYYY-MM-DD_D5K_123.jpg with a three space camera id between the date and the serial. My stereo images add an S and the serial of the other image (123-S-125), panoramas have the serial of the left and right most images (123-P-129) which means I have some 24 character file names. When I use small thumbs in a workspace, the file name is truncated on the right. I wish there were some way to right justify the file name in small thumb mode but this is not working on until everything else is done.


You can right-align the file name in the thumbnail panel via the corresponding option in the layout.
But if your file name is too long to be displayed, IMatch will show as much as possible, and then add an ... to indicate that not the entire text can be shown.

You can work around that by using multiple lines for your file name. Use a custom template and the variable which represents the file name. Set a size of 50 pixels or so to give the file name enough room.  If your file name contains blanks, it will wrap automatically. Else use the replace variable formatting function to replace e.g. - with -<blank>.

sinus uses very long file names with several groups, e.g. for client and project code. He splits the file name variable into multiple parts with substr and displays each part in a separate line for easy identification. There is (almost) always a way with IMatch. You are working with a high-end tool here...  :)

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I like right alignement with my long "yyyymmdd-HHMM_uniqueid_note.ext" file names. This because anyhow the date yyyy-mm-dd and time HH:MM is displayed in a separate line of thumbnail view and the special code at the right end of file name is the most relevant information. Mario: the multiple line feature is nice and the variable replacement function is really cool, because I hate and never use blanks in directories and file names (URL issue). So this feature is again a proof for IMs high flexibility.

Regards, Martin
| IMatch v5.5.8 + Win7proN64bit | Lumix, Pentax |
| ExifTool, ImageMagick, GeoSetter | JPhotoTagger, MusicBee | CaptureOne, LightRoom | jAlbum, WingsPlatinum, Mobjects |