Installation Problem

Started by Graham, August 19, 2014, 09:21:50 AM

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I am having install problems with 5.1.12 on one machine only. Install log file attached.
This version installed ok from 5.1.4 to 5.1.12 on laptop but not on a desktop. The error as per the log is "Keyset as registered is invalid".
This particular machine is currently running 5.1.4 OK and I can 'repair' 5.1.4 OK.


[attachment deleted by admin]


This log file contains many errors, e.g.

Error setting paths CommonFilesFolder or SECUREREPAIR: Failed to CreateContentHash of the file:

Looks like Windows installer cannot find standard folders on this machine, or validate the security hash for the installer. Maybe Windows installer services is broken? Did you try the standard things:

Checking the SHA1 checksum of the downloaded file to ensure it's complete?
Or deleted the file and downloaded it again?
Rebooted the computer? Often solves such strange issues.

Microsoft has a lot of info about broken Windows installer services on their web site. Start with the tips here:


Yes to all 3 suggestions including reinstating previous system images.
The MS FixitInstallUnistall says all is well.

Looks like its time a for a system rebuild from scratch - sigh.
