Old IM3-iptc-fields NEW in Metadata-Panel IM5

Started by sinus, September 01, 2014, 11:48:32 AM

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I think, some users (and me!) have some troubles, to bring the entries, entered in the old IMatch3 via the iptc-editor, in the new IMatch 5 - metadata.

To help them, I have attached here the image, how it looks like in IM5.
I took the same image, entered ALL iptc-informations in IM3 in the iptc-editor (except date/time, what seems to be no problem) and numbered each field in the sorting order, like it is in the iptc-editor.

Then I imported this into IM5 and then I created a metadata-panel, to see all infos. I took care, that I did the sorting like in IM3 and entered these by numbers ...


Behind this I wrote the field-entry, like it is in the IM3-iptc-editor, like
1 Description   1-IM3 - Caption      
2 Instructions   2-IM3 - Special Instructions
21 City   21-IM3 - City   

Note, there are some entries, where I could not enter a number, this fields are:

14 Urgency (number 14)
15 Object Cycle   Evening (number 15)
22 ISO Country Code   CHE (number 22)
23 Country   Switzerland (number 23)

Note also, that some fields I found only as READ ONLY, I wrote this at the end of each such a line.

If you see errors or better fields to use, or other ideas, please do not hesitate to write this, because then we could (maybe) find a good resource for users, what want be sure, that all informations, entered in IM3 in the iptc, are also transfered into IM5.

I have also attached this layout for importing it into IM5 as a zip.
In this zip, there is also a word-Doc with all entries (as images), what I have done in IMatch3 (iptc-editor).
In the same Word-Doc are also all entries from the xpm-editor, but I did NEVER work with this, but maybe it could also help you for reference or so.

And here we go with the fields (sorry for not neatly displayed, but did not know how  :-[ )

iptc-Entries from IM3            fields for IM5

1 Description   1-IM3 - Caption      {File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0}
2 Instructions   2-IM3 - Special Instructions   {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Instructions\Instructions\0}
3 Title      3-IM3 - Object Name      {File.MD.XMP::dc\title\Title\0}
4 Headline   4-IM3 - Headline      {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Headline\Headline\0}
5 Author   5-IM3 - Byline         {File.MD.XMP::dc\creator\Creator\0}
6 Author Title   6-IM3 - Byline Titel      {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\AuthorsPosition\AuthorsPosition\0}
7 Credit   7-IM3 - Credit         {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Credit\Credit\0}
8 Copyright   8-IM3 - Copyright      {File.MD.XMP::dc\rights\Rights\0}
9 Description Writer   9-IM3 - Caption Writer   {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\CaptionWriter\CaptionWriter\0}
10 Source   10-IM3 - Source      {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Source\Source\0}
11 Supplemental Categories   11-IM3 - Supplemental Categories {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\SupplementalCategories\SupplementalCategories\0}
12 Keywords   12-IM3 - Keywords      {File.MD.XMP::Lightroom\hierarchicalSubject\HierarchicalSubject\0}
13 Edit Status   13-IM3 - Edit Status      {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\7\EditStatus\0} ONLY READ
14 Urgency   1 (most urgent)      {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Urgency\Urgency\0} (in IM3 "High priority") ONLY READ
15 Object Cycle   Evening      {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\75\ObjectCycle\0} ONLY READ
16 Originating Program   16-IM3 - Originating Program {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\65\OriginatingProgram\0} ONLY READ
17 Fixture Identifier   17-IM3 - Fixture Identifier    {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\22\FixtureIdentifier\0} ONLY READ
18 Location Shown Province State   18-IM3 - Provice / State   {File.MD.XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownProvinceState\LocationShownProvinceState\0}
19 Location Shown Sublocation   19-IM3 Sub-Location     {File.MD.XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownSublocation\LocationShownSublocation\0}
20 Content Location Name   20-IM3-Locaton      {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\27\ContentLocationName\0} ONLY READ
21 City   21-IM3 - City            {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\City\City\0}
22 ISO Country Code   CHE         {File.MD.XMP::iptcCore\CountryCode\CountryCode\0}
23 Country   Switzerland            {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Country\Country\0}
24 Transmission Reference   24-IM3 - Original Tramsm. Ref. {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\TransmissionReference\TransmissionReference\0}
25 Content Location Code   25-         {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\26\ContentLocationCode\0} ONLY READ
26 Category   26-IM3 - Category         {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Category\Category\0}
27 Custom Field 1   27-IM3 - Custom Field 1   {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\200\CustomField1\0} (ONLY READ)
28 Document History   28-IM3 - Custom History Information       {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\231\DocumentHistory\0} ONLY READ
29 Document Notes   29-IM3 - Custom Field Imge Notes      {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\230\DocumentNotes\0} ONLY READ READ
30 Exif Camera Info   30-IM3 - Custom Field Camera Information   {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\232\ExifCameraInfo\0} ONLY READ
31 Subject Reference   31-IM3 - Custom Field Subject Reference Number {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\12\SubjectReference\0} ONLY READ

Have fun.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Have you looked at the args files that ship with IMatch 5, especially this one:

C:\Program Files (x86)\photools.com\IMatch5\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args

IMatch uses this file and ExifTool to copy IPTC to XMP, and there's one for going the other direction:  xmp2iptc.args

Phil Harvey created these files.  They are his view about the best way to copy data between IPTC and XMP.


Quote from: Ferdinand on September 01, 2014, 12:04:53 PM
Have you looked at the args files that ship with IMatch 5, especially this one:

C:\Program Files (x86)\photools.com\IMatch5\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args

IMatch uses this file and ExifTool to copy IPTC to XMP, and there's one for going the other direction:  xmp2iptc.args

Phil Harvey created these files.  They are his view about the best way to copy data between IPTC and XMP.

Cool, Ferdinand, thanks a lot.
Nope, I did not know this. But now I can easy compare my list and Phils list.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I discovered these args files after I went to a lot of trouble to create a list just like yours.  And then Mario told me about the args files.   :-[


Quote from: Ferdinand on September 01, 2014, 12:33:40 PM
I discovered these args files after I went to a lot of trouble to create a list just like yours.  And then Mario told me about the args files.   :-[


As I wrote somewhere else; I think, since IM5-user are also a lot of IM3-users, who entered iptc, it would be a nice and easy and convenient metadata-panel for such users:

EXACTLY and ONLY the fields, like IM3 used in the iptc-editor

Because Mario created a lot of metadata-panels; I think, one more would have helped quite a lot of users.
This also, because if users wrote only iptc in IM3 (though an old standard, I am sure, a lot of users do still use it), they are simply overhelmed and not able to "look through" with the huge amount of metadata in IM5.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I think the default panel covers all relevant IPTC data already. It does not list the legacy IPTC tags which have no place in the XMP IPTC, and excludes legacy IPTC fields which have been discontinued. Which legacy IPTC tags are you missing which are part of the XMP IPTCCore or XMP IPTCExtension standards?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on September 01, 2014, 01:38:41 PM
I think the default panel covers all relevant IPTC data already. It does not list the legacy IPTC tags which have no place in the XMP IPTC, and excludes legacy IPTC fields which have been discontinued. Which legacy IPTC tags are you missing which are part of the XMP IPTCCore or XMP IPTCExtension standards?

Hi Mario,
I think specialy also at other users. This sentence of JoeHolzwurm could be from my brother or a lot of other users, I think:

"Ich habe bisher nichts anderes gemacht, als meine IM3-Datenbank in eine IM5-Datenbank zu konvertieren. Seit dem habe ich noch nichts bearbeitet und keine Einträge geändert. Ist die Konvertierung unvollständig und ich muss noch etwas tun, damit alles so ist wie es sein soll?"

You are correct (of course!), that the iptc-standard is old and some fields are not more in use.
But users has written data into IMatch3, into the iptc-editor and thought, that these datas are "safe".
Now, when they now convert these db with images from the "old IMatch" or when they simply import some "old", in IMatch3 written images, then they are missing some datas in the default-metadata-panel.

I attach you the image, what fields are missing, except the custom fields (what finally users has also used) there are missing 13! fields

Of course these missing fields are mostly "special fields", here they are (the names are like they are called in IM3):

-Edit Status
-Object Cycle
-Originating Program
-Fixture Identifier
-Custom-Field 1 (all Custom fields are missing)
-Custom-Field History Information
-Custom-Field Image Notes
-Custom-Field Camera Informaton

But, in IM3 users COULD (even if they used such a field wrong) use these fields and I am sure, they did.
So, all the infos in these fields a user will miss (THANKS, MARIO, THAT YOU IMPLEMENTED ALSO CUSTOM FIELDS!!!), and if such fields are not more in use, anyway the user has entered some information in it and he want to have this info back, I guess.  :)

Don't get me wrong, this is not a ranting or something like this (I am fine without this), I think only, a COMPLETE panel of all iptc-fields of IM3, would be helpful for a lot of people.

This panel could also hidden fields, when no data is in it (a GREAT feature!).

My panel, what I uploaded, has (I hope) all iptc-fields except all custom fields, there I have added only one as an example.

So, finally, this is only an idea for a new panel, if you do not like or if it is too much work or you think still, that it is simply not necessary: I have no problem with it ... and also my brother not, who thinks, xmp is something to drink and iptc he wants put on a bread  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


If you want a change to IMatch, please add a feature request. Or, looking at the 200+ open feature requests, why don't you just:

1. Create a Metadata Panel layout which shows your old IPTC data
2. Add a How-to article to the corresponding board with a short info.
3. Attach your layout to that post so others can download it.

Of course I can do this for you and include the layout with IMatch. But then it will take a few weeks at least, because my work plan is full. I still have two weeks of DUMP files alone, and 70 unanswered emails....
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


I just recalled that I created such a template.  I did it more that two years ago when we were debugging all this stuff.  I haven't used it in all that time, and some things may have changed (or I may have misunderstood something when I created this).  So please double-check it against your list above.

I've also got one with just IPTC, but this is more useful because it shows the correspondence between IPTC and XMP.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Mario on September 01, 2014, 03:37:27 PM
If you want a change to IMatch, please add a feature request. Or, looking at the 200+ open feature requests, why don't you just:

1. Create a Metadata Panel layout which shows your old IPTC data
2. Add a How-to article to the corresponding board with a short info.
3. Attach your layout to that post so others can download it.

Of course I can do this for you and include the layout with IMatch. But then it will take a few weeks at least, because my work plan is full. I still have two weeks of DUMP files alone, and 70 unanswered emails....

I will NOT create a feature request, because as I said above, FOR me it is solved, because I can handle this, no problem!

And create a Metata Panel I did also already, and attached here in this thread for downloading and I created also a Word-Document with photos of the iptc- and xmp-editor in IM3 for comparison, for downloading.

OK, maybe I posted it in the wrong board, sorry for this.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on September 01, 2014, 02:17:49 PM
Quote from: Mario on September 01, 2014, 01:38:41 PM
I think the default panel covers all relevant IPTC data already. It does not list the legacy IPTC tags which have no place in the XMP IPTC, and excludes legacy IPTC fields which have been discontinued. Which legacy IPTC tags are you missing which are part of the XMP IPTCCore or XMP IPTCExtension standards?

Hi Mario,
I think specialy also at other users. This sentence of JoeHolzwurm could be from my brother or a lot of other users, I think:

"Ich habe bisher nichts anderes gemacht, als meine IM3-Datenbank in eine IM5-Datenbank zu konvertieren. Seit dem habe ich noch nichts bearbeitet und keine Einträge geändert. Ist die Konvertierung unvollständig und ich muss noch etwas tun, damit alles so ist wie es sein soll?"
Well, I believe this had a totally different context. Even with an IPTC panel he would not knew if he was done with the database converting or what happened with the data. Often people need to read the help a bit more.

To be honest, I don't want to have a another panel in there. I create my own when needed and I believe others are able to do so as well.


Quote from: joel23 on September 01, 2014, 05:28:28 PM
Quote from: sinus on September 01, 2014, 02:17:49 PM
Quote from: Mario on September 01, 2014, 01:38:41 PM
I think the default panel covers all relevant IPTC data already. It does not list the legacy IPTC tags which have no place in the XMP IPTC, and excludes legacy IPTC fields which have been discontinued. Which legacy IPTC tags are you missing which are part of the XMP IPTCCore or XMP IPTCExtension standards?

Hi Mario,
I think specialy also at other users. This sentence of JoeHolzwurm could be from my brother or a lot of other users, I think:

"Ich habe bisher nichts anderes gemacht, als meine IM3-Datenbank in eine IM5-Datenbank zu konvertieren. Seit dem habe ich noch nichts bearbeitet und keine Einträge geändert. Ist die Konvertierung unvollständig und ich muss noch etwas tun, damit alles so ist wie es sein soll?"
Well, I believe this had a totally different context. Even with an IPTC panel he would not knew if he was done with the database converting or what happened with the data. Often people need to read the help a bit more.

To be honest, I don't want to have a another panel in there. I create my own when needed and I believe others are able to do so as well.

Of course it would help. If all is there, fine.
If not, not fine.
But if not, then one would know, that the entries (the variables) are correct. This was one of the thing, what was unclear. And then we could search, why the entries are not there.

And a panel, imported from others, like Ferdinand's or mine, is of course also easy changeable and can also be deleted again, but it helps for some users to find the correct variables, or helps to see some other possibilites like hidden fields and so on.
That is why I have already downloaded the panel from Ferdinand.

If it is not good for you, and you created your own panels, that is of course very good and fine.
But as you can read in several threads here, not ALL users are able to do so. My opinion.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thank you sinus for this info and for your IM3-related panel. It's almost exactly what I've planned to construct for myself - sometime in the near future - before I'll feel ready to convert my 'working' IM3 database of stock-photos across into IM5.  (In the meantime I'm building and 'tuning' a whole new IM5 database for the vast bulk of my images which were never imported into IM3.)

And thank you Ferdinand for your panel too. It's ideal for showing me how the IPTC fields which I've already populated in my (test sub-sample of) IM3-maintained images correlate - side by side! - with the 'mapped' XMP fields which supersede them.

I already populate a sub-set of these mapped XMP fields in my "IM3" stock photos because the Picture Library to which I send photos has - for years - advocated the use of the BAPLA-Pic4Press XMP panel as the metadata template we should use for new images we submit to them.

That BAPLA panel is intended for use with Photoshop versions prior to CS5 (!) but I can't use it anyway because I've never used Photoshop (I'll spare you my Adobe-rebel philosophy for now), so I am still relying on IM3's auto-transfer of IPTC data into XMP to fill those required XMP fields. (In IM3 I invoke one extra, tiny XMP Template on each image to set the boolean "Copyrighted" field to "True". (That's "Copyrighted", not "Copyright".) and of course this will all be much easier to achieve in IM5!!)  (Incidentally, I note that boolean field is absent from both of your panels sinus and Ferdinand, but I look forward to adding it as an exercise  :) )

Very soon I should be sufficiently fluent in IM5's handling of metadata that I can write with confidence to those "BAPLA"-desired XMP fields in new images, while protecting all the legacy IPTC stuff already embedded in my (admittedly modest number of) stock photos.  Then maybe, at some future date, I'll persuade myself that every single bit of IPTC data  in all those old photos is indeed duplicated in their equivalent XMP blocks, and I can then erase all the old IPTC stuff ... but slowly slowly ... No haste!

Colin P.


Thanks, Colin, for your infos.
You made my day ... have just today not a good day with some bad privat news.
If I had the time, I would love to create some better panels and so on, but ...  :(

I have already converted successfully my 200'000 images-db, but I decided today, first to go ahead for some weeks with the old db on IM3.
I will clear some infos first (I am struggling still a bit with my iptc-xmp-infos, but I am sure, I will get it), then after some small tests, I will convert the cleaned db, I guess, in 2-3 weeks.

In the meanwhile I am working also with IM5, specially for my workflow and for displaying all neatly, like a good file-window-panel (for the thumbs).

As I wrote in antother thread, to display informations in different style (like with thumbs in the file window), specially with formated variables, makes really a lot of fun.

I wish you a good day!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)