An icon for Attributes

Started by sinus, August 31, 2014, 10:25:36 PM

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We have a lot of things in IMatch:
Collections, Stars, Labels, Categories, Metadata, Keywords, Annotions, Versions, Stacking, Attributes and so on.

Each of this is either visually displayed in the File Window in the thumb itself (like dots, pins, and so on).

Categories, Keywords and other Metadata are not directly displayed in the File Window in a thumb, but from my point of view these entries are good visible enough with the panels.

But one of all these possibilities is not that easy to see, and this are Attributes.
We have a panel of Attributes, but often this panel is hidden or not open. The same could we say for Metadata, but usually a file HAS at least one or more metadata.
And Categories and Keywords has a special role in IM5, so that we can see also easy, if a file has something of them (cats can be see even by the category-color-bar).

But it is not so easy with Attributes. Because, IF we work with Attributes, depending on the kind we do this, it can easy be, that one file has Attributes, and the next not.

So, I have one question regarding Attributes:

1) I would like to see easy on a thumb, that this file HAS some Attributes. This could be an icon or something else. I think, ideal would be an icon, like we have already with Annotations: IF there are Annotations, then an icon appears, if not, then no icon is there.

Because this would mean a lot of changing for Mario, is it worth to create a feature request for this?

BTW: I am aware, that we can do something in this direction with variables, for example under a file. But this could also be true for other things like Annotations or GPS, hence a tiny icon would be nice, I think.

But if this is not possible (too much work or not necessary or...) then I will use a pin for this (red pin means, there an entry in the attributes) or a variable under the thumb.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I answer myself:
I know now enough about the variable AND formating power of IMatch (what I did not before), so I can solve my question in this thread myself:

It is not more necessary, I can create an icon (png) or fragments of text myself, neatly formated with colors under each thumb.
So this is solved!  :D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)